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Amazons Appstore sperrt deutsche Entwickler (vorübergehend) aus

(1. August 2011/20:49)
Mal wieder schlechte Presse für Amazons Appstore - zumindest aus deutscher Sicht: Wegen des Rechtsstreits zwischen dem Online-Versand und Apple über den Namen "Appstore” dürfen deutsche Entwickler bis auf weiteres keine neuen Applikationen in den Shop hochladen. Die Logik hinter dieser Maßnahme wird leider nicht überzeugen erläutert.

Eine E-Mail mit dem Betreff "Important Notice for Germany Based Developers” flatterte heute in die Postfächer der deutschen Android-Entwickler, die einen Account bei Amazons Appstore besitzen — und darin stand folgende dubiose Mitteilung:

Dear Amazon Appstore Developer,

Thank you for your participation in the Amazon Appstore for Android. We wanted to notify you of a recent change to your Developer Portal account; for the time being, we are not accepting new app submissions from developers located in Germany. We have been forced to impose this restriction due to a legal action filed by Apple in Germany seeking to prevent us from using the term "appstore.” We believe Apple’s claim is without merit and are actively contesting it.

When you log into your Developer Portal account, you will notice that the options to add new apps have been removed. We hope to begin accepting new apps from German developers again soon and will notify you as soon as we are able to do so.

We appreciate your patience and your continued interest in the Amazon Appstore for Android.

Thank you,

Amazon Appstore Account Team

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