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Samsung Galaxy S3 soll mit 4,6 Zoll Super AMOLED HD Plus-Display kommen

(14. April 2012/12:28)
Die Oled Association hat in einer News unter dem Titel "Samsung Mobile Display Reaches New Levels of Profitability and Introduces the YOUM Brand for Flexible Displays” einen Absatz zum Display des S3:

SMD is planning to release a 4.6” Super AMOLED HD Plus with the 319 ppi for the Galaxy S3 Super AMOLED plus in May of this year. In addition, SMD is expected to add phosphorescent green, which will reduce power consumption and make the OLED display competitive with the retina display at white levels of 40%, while significantly outperforming LCDs for images and video. The Apple iPhone 5 should be released about the same time as the Galaxy S3. Both of the new phones should have comparable size and pixel density so a true comparison can be made.

Das lässt also vermuten das das das Samsung Galaxy S3 mit einem 4,6 Zoll Super AMOLED HD Plus-Display kommen wird.

Was meint ihr dazu? Das Samsung Note ist mir 5,3-Zoll-Display also nicht mehr viel grösser...

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