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Foxconn CEO: iPhone 5 wird Galaxy S3 in den Schatten stellen

(21. Juni 2012/11:40)

Der Foxconn-CEO Terry Gou sagt jetzt schon voraus, das das iPhone 5 das Samsung Galaxy S3 komplett in den Schatten stellen...

Gou urged consumers to wait for the launch of Apple’s iPhone 5, saying that the new model will put Samsung’s Galaxy III to shame.

Auch macht er es sich zu Lebensaufgabe, Samsung zu schlagen...

Gou said he has made it a lifetime goal to defeat Samsung — "a company with a track record of snitching on its competitors.”… He was referring to Samsung’s action in 2010 of snitching on four Taiwanese companies in an investigation by the European Commission on price-fixing in the flat panel industry…Samsung was exempted from the investigation by serving as a "tainted witness.” … Gou also urged consumers to wait for the launch of Apple’s iPhone 5, saying that the new model will put Samsung’s Galaxy III to shame.

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