
Android 7.1 Nougat bald als Beta Version für Nexus 6P und 5X

12. Okt. 2016, 07:05 |  0 Kommentare

Mit der Vorstellung der Pixel Smartphones war auch klar, dass es demnächst ein Android 7.1 geben wird. Nun wissen wir auch mehr über die Zeitplanung.

Noch im Oktober soll Android 7.1 als offene Beta verfügbar werden, allerdings zunächst nur für das Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X und Pixel C. Weitere Nexus sollen später hinzukommen. Zum Android Beta Programm könnt ihr euch hier anmelden.

Die Neuheiten in der kommenden Beta Version:

Android 7.1 delivers the productivity, security, and performance of Android 7.0, along with a variety of optimizations and bug fixes, features, and new APIs (API level 25).

For developers, Android 7.1 adds new capabilities to help you drive engagement in your app and deliver an improved user experience, such as:

  • App shortcuts API — lets you surface key actions directly in the launcher and take your users deep into your app instantly. You can create up to 5 shortcuts, either statically or dynamically.
  • Circular app icons support — lets you provide great-looking rounded icon resources that match the look of Pixel and other launchers.
  • Enhanced wallpaper metadata — lets you provide metadata about your wallpapers to any picker displaying the wallpapers as a preview. You can show existing metadata such as label, description, and author, as well as a new context URL and title to link to more information.
  • Image keyboard support — expands the types of content that users can enter from their keyboards, letting them express themselves through custom stickers, animated gifs, and more. Apps can tell the keyboard what types of content they accept, and keyboards can deliver all of the images and other content that they offer to the user. For broad compatibility, this API will also be available in the support library.
  • Storage manager Intent — lets an app take the user directly to a new Settings screen to clear unused files and free up storage space on the device.
  • APIs to support multi-endpoint calling and new telephony configuration options.

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Bewertung: 3.0/5 (4 Stimmen)

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