Elon Musk will 2028 Menschen zum Mars fliegen
23. Sep. 2024, 10:50 | 0 Kommentare2026 soll SpaceX unbemannt zum Mars fliegen. Zwei Jahre später sollen Menschen folgen - falls eine Katastrophe oder Bürokratie es nicht verhindern.
Elon Musk will zum Mars: Zunächst plant der Chef des US-Raumfahrtunternehmens SpaceX fünf unbemannte Missionen. Wenn diese sicher auf dem Nachbarplaneten landen, soll eine Mission mit einer Besatzung an Bord folgen.
Die unbemannten Missionen sollen in zwei Jahren starten, kündigte Musk über seine Social-Media-Plattform X an, die bemannte dann in vier Jahren.
Elon Musk @elonmusk
SpaceX plans to launch about five uncrewed Starships to Mars in two years.
If those all land safely, then crewed missions are possible in four years. If we encounter challenges, then the crewed missions will be postponed another two years.
It is only possible to travel from Earth to Mars every two years, when the planets are aligned. This increases the difficulty of the task, but also serves to immunize Mars from many catastrophic events on Earth.
No matter what happens with landing success, SpaceX will increase the number of spaceships traveling to Mars exponentially with every transit opportunity. We want to enable anyone who wants to be a space traveler to go to Mars! That means you or your family or friends – anyone who dreams of great adventure.
Eventually, there will be thousands of Starships going to Mars and it will a glorious sight to see! Can you imagine? Wow.
The fundamental existential question is whether humanity becomes sustainably multiplanetary before something happens on Earth to prevent that, for example nuclear war, a supervirus or population collapse that weakens civilization to the point where it loses the ability to send supply ships to Mars.
One of my biggest concerns right now is that the Starship program is being smothered by a mountain of government bureaucracy that grows every year. This stifling red tape is affecting all large projects in America, which is why, for example, California has spent ~$7 billion dollars and several years on high-speed rail, but only has a 1600 ft section of concrete to show for it!
While I have many concerns about a potential Kamala regime, my absolute showstopper is that the bureaucracy currently choking America to death is guaranteed to grow under a Democratic Party administration. This would destroy the Mars program and doom humanity.
It cannot happen. Your help would be much appreciated. This is a fork, maybe the fork, in the road of human destiny.
Am 22. September, 2024 um 19:35 via ✕
SpaceX plans to launch about five uncrewed Starships to Mars in two years.
If those all land safely, then crewed missions are possible in four years. If we encounter challenges, then the crewed missions will be postponed another two years.
It is only possible to travel from Earth to Mars every two years, when the planets are aligned. This increases the difficulty of the task, but also serves to immunize Mars from many catastrophic events on Earth.
No matter what happens with landing success, SpaceX will increase the number of spaceships traveling to Mars exponentially with every transit opportunity. We want to enable anyone who wants to be a space traveler to go to Mars! That means you or your family or friends – anyone who dreams of great adventure.
Eventually, there will be thousands of Starships going to Mars and it will a glorious sight to see! Can you imagine? Wow.
The fundamental existential question is whether humanity becomes sustainably multiplanetary before something happens on Earth to prevent that, for example nuclear war, a supervirus or population collapse that weakens civilization to the point where it loses the ability to send supply ships to Mars.
One of my biggest concerns right now is that the Starship program is being smothered by a mountain of government bureaucracy that grows every year. This stifling red tape is affecting all large projects in America, which is why, for example, California has spent ~$7 billion dollars and several years on high-speed rail, but only has a 1600 ft section of concrete to show for it!
While I have many concerns about a potential Kamala regime, my absolute showstopper is that the bureaucracy currently choking America to death is guaranteed to grow under a Democratic Party administration. This would destroy the Mars program and doom humanity.
It cannot happen. Your help would be much appreciated. This is a fork, maybe the fork, in the road of human destiny.
Am 22. September, 2024 um 19:35 via ✕
Ein Flug von der Erde zum Mars ist nur alle zwei Jahre möglich, wenn die Planeten in einer Linie stehen. Sollte es zu Verzögerungen kommen, soll die bemannte Mission erst in sechs Jahren fliegen können.
Mehr dazu findest Du auf golem.de
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