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"Firma für Erwachsene": IT-Firma zwingt Mitarbeiter zurück ins Office

Aug. '24
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Fr., 23. August, 2024 um 8:04

Das Tech-Unternehmen Nothing in London trennt sich von der Homeoffice-Idee - und ist damit nicht allein

Mit der IT-Firma Nothing zieht ein weiteres Tech-Unternehmen die Reißleine in Sachen Homeoffice. Die während der Covid-Pandemie eingeführte Regelung für Remote-Arbeit will CEO Carl Pei demnächst beenden. In bereits zwei Monaten sollen alle Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter wie vor Covid fünf Tage die Woche im Office erscheinen. Wer sich dem nicht gewachsen sieht, solle die Firma verlassen und lieber ein ...

anderes Umfeld finden, wo man sich wohlfühle

Das Ziel dieser Maßnahme sei, schrieb Pei unter anderem am Dienstag auf Linkedin und X, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den einzelnen Bereichen im Unternehmen zu verbessern.

 Carl Pei @getpeid

Last Friday, we made an important decision to work 5 days a week in-office in London.

This is the email I sent to everyone on the


We’ve come a long way in a short space of time. We are the only company to have established a smartphone business in the last 10 years. We are the fastest growing smartphone brand in India at 567% YoY.

Yet, we are at 0.1% of our potential. With the solid start we’ve made, we really have the chance to create a generational tech company that can change the world. This is an incredibly exciting opportunity that we’ve earned together, and now it’s time to double down.

We started Nothing during COVID, and had to make do with working remotely at first. Later on, we transitioned to hybrid in London and in-office at our other sites. Now, we are announcing the transition to in-office in London too.

I know this is a controversial decision that may not be a fit for everyone, and there are definitely companies out there that thrive in remote or hybrid setups. But that’s not right for our type of business, and won’t help us fully realize our potential as a company. There are three key reasons for this.

First of all, we make physical products where design, engineering, manufacturing and quality have to collaborate closely together to deliver products to our users. This does not work well remotely.

Second, creativity and innovation are really key to us winning against bigger companies. Not only in products, we also need to solve difficult problems and do more with way less resources than competitors in all areas of our business. This does not work well remotely.

Lastly, our ambition level is different from many peer companies started at the same time. We are not looking to create a good business that gets acquired by a big company, we are looking to realize our full potential of becoming a generation-defining company. And we’re really serious about moving fast. Remote work is not compatible with a high ambition level plus high speed.

Some may be worried about flexibility, but this is no different from pre-COVID. This is a company for grown ups, so if you need to be out of office to deal with some issues, we trust you to make the right decision. In fact, some roles like sales and PR need to be out of the office meeting with customers and press regularly.

We know it’s not the right type of setup for everybody, and that’s OK. We should look for a mutual fit. You should find an environment where you thrive, and we need to find people who want to go the full mile with us in the decades ahead.

This takes effect two months from now. In our next Town Hall in London, we can take live questions if there are any.

Thank you all for the progress we’ve made together so far, and I’m looking forward to learning, growing, and building the next stage of the company with you all.

Am 19. August, 2024 um 10:36 via  

C&M News: https://ress.at/-news23082024080451.html

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