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Mann hackt Airline-Webseite, um verlorenen Koffer zu finden
Apr. '22
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Fr., 01. April, 2022 um 21:03
Bild: Pixabay Über die Website der Airline kam ein Fluggast an die Adresse oder Telefonnummer eines Co-Passagiers. Der 28-jährige Nandan Kumar hat die Website der indischen Billigairline IndiGo gehackt, um seinen verlorenen Koffer ausfindig zu machen. Zuvor hatte er die Airline um Hilfe bei der Suche gebeten, diese wurde ihm aus Datenschutzgründen aber verwehrt. In einem Statement von IndiGo, das der BBC zugeschickt wurde, heißt es, die Airline würde Passagieren keine Kontaktdaten anderer Passagieren weitergeben. Kumar und ein mitfliegender Passagier hatten ihre Koffer verwechselt, weil sie sich ihm zufolge äußerst ähnlich sehen. Erst zuhause realisierte er den Fehler und meldete sich bei der Airline. Er hatte den Vorfalls auf Twitter geschildert. Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ Hey @IndiGo6E , Want to hear a story? And at the end of it I will tell you hole (technical vulnerability )in your system? #dev #bug #bugbounty 😝😝 1/n Am 28. März, 2022 um 14:39 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ Soo I traveled from PAT - BLR from indigo 6E-185 yesterday. And my bag got exchanged with another passenger. Honest mistake from both our end. As the bags exactly same with some minor differences. 2/n Am 28. März, 2022 um 14:45 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ I realised it only after I reached home when my wife pointed out that the bag seems to be a different from ours as we don’t use key based locks in our bags. PS: We have too much faith in airline staff 😝😝 So right after reaching home I called your customer care. 3/n Am 28. März, 2022 um 14:48 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ After multiple calls and navigating through @IndiGo6E IVR and of course a lot of wait I was able to connect to one of your customer care agents and they tried to connect me with the co-passenger. But all in vain. 4/n Am 28. März, 2022 um 14:51 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ So long story short I couldn’t get any resolution on the issue. And neither your customer care team was not ready to provide me the contact details of the person citing privacy and data protection . @Ankurkrtweets take note of this, it gets interesting😝 5/n Am 28. März, 2022 um 14:54 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ After the call did not work, the agent assured me that they will call me back when they are able to reach the other person. (I am still waiting for that call ) 👇🏻 6/n https://t.co/uy7tkqWUO7 Am 28. März, 2022 um 14:57 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ So I slept the night without any resolution to the issue. Thinking I may get a call in morning. And after I did not get any calls from @IndiGo6E I decided to take the matter in my own hands 7/n Am 28. März, 2022 um 14:59 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ So, today morning I started digging into the indigo website trying the co passenger’s PNR which was written on the bag tag in hope to get the address or number by trying different methods like check-in, edit booking, update contact, But no luck whatsoever. 8/n Am 28. März, 2022 um 15:03 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ So now, after all the failed attempts, my dev instinct kicked in and I pressed the F12 button on my computer keyboard and opened the developer console on the @IndiGo6E website and started the whole checkin flow with network log record on. 9/n Am 28. März, 2022 um 15:07 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ And there in one of the network responses was the phone number and email I’d of my co-passenger. Ah this was my low-key hacker moment 😇😇 and the ray of hope. I made note of the details and decided to call the person and try to get the bags swapped. #dev #dataleak #bug https://t.co/9l4pmNDk6V Am 28. März, 2022 um 15:11 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ And thankfully I was able to reach my co passenger with the phone number I got from the logs and luckily we lived in a close proximity of 6-7 KMs. So we decided to meet at a Center point and got our bags swapped. Dear @IndiGo6E , take note of my next tweet and try to improve. Am 28. März, 2022 um 15:15 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ Dear, @IndiGo6E take note 1. Fix your IVR and make it more user friendly 2. Make your customer service more proactive than reactive 3. Your website leaks sensitive data get it fixed. Am 28. März, 2022 um 15:18 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ Fun Fact: When I asked my co passenger if he had got a call from indigo , he denied it saying he did not get any calls. While the agent claimed to me that They called three times. @IndiGo6E @Ankurkrtweets @scottishladki Am 28. März, 2022 um 15:21 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ For those asking what was the co-passenger doing, He did not realise that the bags were exchanged until I called him and explained the whole scenario. He was also surprised on how did I get his number, had to explain that to him too. But at the end we both were happy. Am 01. April, 2022 um 0:43 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ I have been realised that in some cases the phone number and email I’d is visible on the screen it self. That wasn’t the case with my co passenger’s , I had to look into the network log. In those cases it’s even easier for ppl with malicious intent to get the details. Am 01. April, 2022 um 0:47 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ Also.. in the network response, they are even sending details like: - Address that you enter while doing a web checkin i.e. your home address or your hotel/airbnb address - You check in baggage details with id and weight And some more crucial details. Am 01. April, 2022 um 0:50 via ✕ Nandan kumar @_sirius93_ My only suggestion to fellow passengers is to please do not share your boarding pass photos or your PNR details on social media or public domain. And I hope airlines take all these things in account and do something about it i.e. encrypt the data being sent over the network. Am 01. April, 2022 um 0:54 via ✕ C&M News: https://ress.at/-news01042022210314.html |
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