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Opera Mobile 8.65 Final erschienen!

Nov. '07
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Sa., 24. November, 2007 um 22:49

Opera hat heute seinen neuen Browser für Mobile Geräte veröffentlicht.
Versionsnummer 8.65.

Bild gelöscht ..

  • Set "Desktop" mode as default display mode NEW!
  • Text Wrapping NEW!
  • Bidi support NEW!
  • Grab and Scroll (PocketPC only)
  • Web search in address bar
  • Save image
  • Copy text
  • Send link as e-mail, SMS, and MMS
  • Import IE bookmarks
  • Support for Macromedia Flash Player 7 for Pocket PCs
  • FlashLite 2.1
  • Multiple Windows
  • Tabbed browsing (Pocket PC only)
  • Zoom
  • Download
  • Navigation and history
  • Bookmarks
  • Landscape/Portrait Mode
  • Pop-up handler
  • Padlock icon on secure sites
  • User preferences
  • Context menu
  • Change encoding
  • Desktop mode and Fit to Screen
  • Plugin API (Netscape)


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