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So., 14. August, 2011 um 13:42

Set-CPU benötigt zwingend Root-Rechte

SetCPU gibt es als Paid-App im Market zum Download

Oder kostenlos für Registrierte Mitglieder auf XDA-Developers

coolbho3000 von xda-developers.com hat Folgendes geschrieben:
SetCPU is a CPU speed tweaking application for Android. More specifically, it allows control of certain aspects of the Linux cpufreq driver, allowing for overclocking, underclocking, or tweaking speeds and settings on many Android devices. It will work with most if not all rooted Android 1.5/1.6/2.0/2.1/2.2/2.3/3.0/3.1 builds on most devices.

The program is free here for XDA members. It costs 1.99 on the Android Market and available for purchase on the Amazon Appstore for users in the US.

Hier gibt es noch eine Anleitung...

Zuletzt bearbeitet am 14.08.2011 14:05, insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet

So., 14. August, 2011 um 13:44

Oder gleich hier von C&M by Ress zum Downloaden...

Vorher bitte entpacken!

Download setcpu_2.24.zip (362.72 kB, 2308 mal)
MD5: d1fb93dde8c0324198d641f9f5f1ef09
SHA1: a0be88d8a7ae4d0f96e0ef86418011c2d4a00453
CRC32: 3d00e131


So., 14. August, 2011 um 13:48

Hier noch die ReadME Datei aus dem ZIP-File:

SetCPU for Root Users 2.2.4

For documentation and changelog, please visit:

Visit the XDA Developers Thread:

Please do not redistribute SetCPU. This version is meant to be distributed on

This application comes with absolutely no warranty. Support for your device is
not guaranteed, and you are responsible for any damages that it may cause.

This application is available for free for members of the XDA Developers
community, and can be bought on the Android Market for $1.99 as a donation.
Please donate if you like it. You'll get automatic updates! This version is
identical to the Android Market version except this version comes with a small
donate button on the device selection screen. You will only see the button
once, but I'd really appreciate it if you donated and bought the app.

To install SetCPU, use ADB in the Android SDK. In the command line, navigate to
the directory where setcpu.apk is located and type:

adb install setcpu.apk

If you don't have ADB, copy the APK to your SD card and use one of the various
application installers or file managers available on the Android Market.

Please do not distribute this application yourself. Instead, link others to the
Android Market or the XDA Developers thread.

Enjoy, and don't forget to give me feedback! I can be reached at

SetCPU is (c) 2009-2011 Michael Huang/cooblho3000.

Release notes:
2.2.4 - Improved support for the new MSM 8x60 devices (such as the HTC EVO 3D
and Sensation).

2.2.3 - Fixed an issue where the voltage menu displayed frequencies backwards
on certain devices capable of voltage control. Added support for additional CPU
temperature sensors.

2.2.1 - Fixed the voltage force close bug on some Galaxy S devices by adding
undervolt support for older Galaxy S undervolt kernel patches. Added perflock
disabler support for HTC kernel (beta).

2.2.0 - Added an "In Call" profile. Improved the Set on Boot safemode function
by including a flashable zip that toggles SetCPU's safemode. Press menu on the
main tab for more details. Added autodetect support for all Tegra 2 fakeShmoo
kernels (ie. G2x). Added a "Voltage" tab for undervolting the CPU on fakeShmoo
kernels, some custom Galaxy S kernels, and some Nexus S kernels. This is a
full-fledged interface for undervolting these devices, and includes backing up
and restoring and a Set on Boot checkbox. Improved the way SetCPU initially
requests root. Various miscellaneous bugfixes.

2.1.4 - Revamped Info tab UI. In portrait, clicking on an item in the Info tab
will launch information on that category, and pressing back will return to the
menu. In landscape, the content and the menu are split into two columns.
Benchmarks are at the bottom. Added a chart for Time In State readings. Widget
reliability fixes and optimizations. The main screen now indicates which kind
of profile is currently active with an icon. Miscellaneous bugfixes and
optimized performance.

2.1.3 - Added perflock disabler support for HTC kernel (in beta).
Enhanced the Time in State readings in the System Info menu to include
percentages. Removed WiFi permission until this feature is added to profiles.
Fixed another database crash, and other bugfixes. - Fixed a crash that occurred when updating from certain versions of
the profiles database.

2.1.2 - Minor update. Adds a time of day based profile which will trigger based
on a set time range. Fixes a bug with profiles and certain dual core kernels.
Switched to the Android 3.0 SDK. Note that on some Tegra 2 kernels, scaling is
completely controlled by the driver.

2.1.1 - Fixed an issue with profiles backup in CM7.
- Added support for the Motorola Xoom, Atrix 4G, and other Tegra 2 devices.
- Fixed various bugs.
- Tablet optimized UI and more profiles coming soon!


So., 14. August, 2011 um 20:43

Kernel findet ihr hier:

Empfehlen kann ich allen den Ninphetamine-2.0.5 Kernel, läuft irgendwie bei allen Problemlos

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