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SiyahKernel S2 v5.0.1 (for ICS only)

Mär. '12
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Do., 08. März, 2012 um 21:05


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gokhanmoral hat einen Kernel speziell für ICS (Android 4.0) für das Samsung S2 rausgebracht...

Er ist Exteaks kompatibel..

SiyahKernel S2-v5.0.1: reverted wifi driver to fix wifi direct & other wifi related problems. touch gestures off when screen is off. analogue headphone amp in stweaks. new & faster stweaks. mxt224e touchscreen choppiness fix.

SiyahKernel S2-v5.0i
Dual booting with new CM10 + Samsung ICS ROM
improved touch sensitivity
5-step GPU
added arm topology patches again, with cpupower driver.
merged with a JB leak (3.0.31)
removed dynamic cpu freq steps. they are all fixed now.
removed some settings from ExTweaks interface such as cfstweaks
orbot is now working (only tested on Samsung ROM)
Reboot into 1stROM, Reboot into 2ndROM in STweaks. (v5.0a2)
STweaks added to initramfs. it will be autoinstalled only once. it is my own implementation of uci.sh interface. There is almost no difference (except for resetting to defaults in the last tab) between ExTweaks and STweaks. It’s been used for some time in my S3 kernel and fairly stable. I wanted to put it in the last version of my S2 kernel as well. it is my second android app (first one is FastDormancy app).. it doesn’t have a fancy UI but not bad for a beginner .
BLNWW (BLN Without Wakelock).
Touch gestures optimizations (thanks to Tungstwenty for the latest changes and for this great feature).
added speaker and mic amplification/sensitivity settings which are based on fluxi’s mc1n2 interface, reversed and ported to uci.sh interface by dorimanx, tested and committed to my initramfs by robertobsc.
automatic led brightness level. touch voltage level will be ignored if this one is checked in STweaks
added B2G support (thanks to atilag@github for the initramfs changes).
added an option in STweaks to set a delay in FB earlysuspend to properly play CRT animation (implemented originally by Codeworkx).
reverted wifi driver to the one in cm10 kernel
fixed auto-brightness issue on CM10.
fixed some 2ndROM related problems in recovery when installing zips or restoring backups
fixed BLN intensity when auto led brightness is selected.
applied latest lulzactiveq tweaks from robertobsc.
mali and vsync related changes (mostly from Entropy512′s commits) which are supposed to improve the battery life
removed battery and performance profiles.
removed lots of cpu governors. available governors: pegasusq, ondemand, conservative, hotplug, lulzactiveq
new optional GPU frequency steps. enable VPLL Mode in STweaks but make sure you read the description.
fixed a CM10 specific problem with the new GPU steps but it still doesn’t guarantee that the new steps will be stable on your device.
added slide2wake (thanks to Fluxi) + some optimizations
added mdnie interface and made hardcore’s sharpness tweaks optional in STweaks
lulzactiveq fixes by robertobsc and added cpu governor selection back to stweaks
Finally fixed vpll problem and made it default (thanks to robertobsc for his helps on testing)

SiyahKernel S2-v5.0a2
Dual booting with new CM10 + Samsung ICS ROM
improved touch sensitivity
5-step GPU
added arm topology patches again, with cpupower driver.
merged with a JB leak (3.0.31)
removed dynamic cpu freq steps. they are all fixed now.
removed some settings from ExTweaks interface such as cfstweaks
orbot is now working (only tested on Samsung ROM)
removed accelerometer hack for Samsung ROMs. Auto-rotation will not work on 4.0.3 anymore.
Reboot into 1stROM, Reboot into 2ndROM in STweaks (v5.0a2)
added back the accelerometer hack for Samsung ROMs (v5.0a2)
STweaks added to initramfs. it will be autoinstalled only once. it is my own implementation of uci.sh interface. There is almost no difference (except for resetting to defaults in the last tab) between ExTweaks and STweaks. It’s been used for some time in my S3 kernel and fairly stable. I wanted to put it in the last version of my S2 kernel as well. it is my second android app (first one is FastDormancy app).. it doesn’t have a fancy UI but not bad for a beginner (v5.0a2)
fixed voltage level rounding. it was rounding to 12.5mV steps and it is changed to 25mV. (v5.0a2)
BLNWW (BLN Without Wakelock) (v5.0a2)
Touch gestures optimizations (thanks to Tungstwenty for the latest changes and for this great feature) (v5.0a2)
added speaker and mic amplification/sensitivity settings which are based on fluxi’s mc1n2 interface, reversed and ported to uci.sh interface by dorimanx, tested and committed to my initramfs by robertobsc. (v5.0a2)
automatic led brightness level. touch voltage level will be ignored if this one is checked in STweaks (v5.0a2)

SiyahKernel S2-v5.0a1
Dual booting with new CM10 + Samsung ICS ROM
improved touch sensitivity
5-step GPU
added arm topology patches again, with cpupower driver.
merged with a JB leak (3.0.31)
removed dynamic cpu freq steps. they are all fixed now.
removed some settings from ExTweaks interface such as cfstweaks

SiyahKernel S2-v4.1.5
update 4.1.4 -> 4.1.5: fixed /mnt/ntfs directory creation problem (ntfs mounting over usb otg should be working now). lulzactiveq (and one of my mistake in lulzactive) fixes by robertobsc@XDA. enabled NFS module (if you don’t know what it is then you don’t need it).

SiyahKernel S2-v4.1.4
update 4.1.3 -> 4.1.4: fixed vibration intensity problem with samsung roms. fixed adb in recovery. compiled with linaro 4.7 (2012.0 toolchain. fixed mass storage mounting problem.

update 4.1.2 -> 4.1.3: decreased mali sampling interval (thanks to AndreiLux). removed zram settings from ExTweaks. some gpu boost fixes. lulzactiveq fixes. reverted some changes (mostly TMU related). chargeboost in LPM. fixed adbd problem for JB ROMs. lots of cherrypicks from cm10 kernel. initramfs fixes.

SiyahKernel S2-v4.1.2
update 4.1.1 -> 4.1.2: added lulzactiveq (added hotplug logic and some fixes & tweaks, by robertobsc@XDA). fixed recovery not being usable with 3-button combo. set default backup format to tar in recovery. some other initramfs changes & fixes.

SiyahKernel S2-v4.1.1
.update 4.1 -> 4.1.1: fixed the problem with external sdcard in some roms because of forgotten unmount in init script.

SiyahKernel S2-v4.1rc1
update6 -> rc1: revert back to 3.0.15 with only several cherry-picks from upstream. updated CWM-based recovery to the latest with backup type selection (dup or tar). fixed the problem of not booting after wiping data/cache. lots of refactorings and cleanups. Number of gestures increased from 10 to 30 (by Tungstwenty).

SiyahKernel S2-v4.1beta6
update beta4 -> beta5: gesture support by Tungstwenty (sample flashable zip) here is the XDA thread. some minor fixes in ExTweaks. swappiness set to 90 (effective only if you are using zram or swap). removed battery and performance profile settings during the beta phase (they will be the same as default settings)
update beta5 -> beta6: removed additional gpu steps and new frequencies

SiyahKernel S2-v4.1beta4
Linux 3.0.40
CWM-Based Touch Recovery v6.0.1.1
fixed led timeout not being saved
new GPU frequency steps: 54, 108, 133, 160, 266, 330, 400, 440, 520MHz (Removed in beta4)
added one more GPU step, we now have 4 GPU steps with 108, 160, 266, 330MHz defaults. (Removed in beta4)
added ntt docomo gps support again (ntt-docomo users can use their previous scripts to get gps working)
fixed movfilter not being changed with kmemhelper (should fix touch sensitivity problems)
removed 25MHz and 50MHz CPU steps
fixed led activity on brightness change
ExTweaks settings will be reset because of GPU changes. if you revert back to a previous version make sure you reset ExTweaks settings manually.
update beta1 -> beta4: fixed gamma shift not working in ExTweaks. removed all gpu modifications to make sure we have no problems with other parts. some users (including me) experienced no problems with new gpu steps whereas some users had kernel panics when the screen is off. Consider v4.1beta4 as 4.0.2 with linux 3.0.40 and cwm-based recovery

SiyahKernel S2-v4.0.1
supports Samsung 4.0.3/4.0.4 (no camera problem), CM9, CM10 and MIUI
all the changes from v3.5.2 are applied
no CAP_ERASE, no hardbrick
fixed CM10 led behavior
fixed led_fadeout behavior
fixed autorotation problem with CM10 and 4.0.3 ROMs
enabled swap and zram options in config. enabled zram as default with 150MB swap. you can disable it in extweaks.
CWM-based Touch Recovery v6.0.1.1 Postponed
Update v4.0 -> v4.0.1: some changes in initramfs to fix boot problems with some ROMs.

SiyahKernel S2-v3.5.2
updated wireless driver (1.15.12 -> 1.15.15)
replaced superuser with supersu (only when autorooting, your existing app won’t be replaced)
updated modem driver
removed some unused binaries from initramfs
Linux 3.0.38
Update 3.5 -> 3.5.1: fixed brightness and led problems. changed compression to gzip for faster boot (increased size)
update 3.5.1 -> 3.5.2 fixed CM10 booting problem

SiyahKernel S2-v3.4.1
based on i9100 update6 sources
fixed /vendor symlink for cm9/aosp roms
Linux 3.0.37
Update 3.4 -> 3.4.1: bluetooth fix to work on 4.0.4 based ROMs (by tungstwenty)

pegasusq fixes and tweaks
added cfs tweaks settings to ExTweaks (samsung default, linux kernel default and thunderbolt script defaults)
added Tungstwenty’s implementation that let’s us see deleted wakelock details (optional in ExTweaks)
cherry-picked some wifi changes/fixes from cm9 repo
added mdnie negative effect toggle to ExTweaks (by Tungstwenty)
and some other tiny changes…
Linux 3.0.36
update (3.3.3 -> 3.3.3b) removed some potentially unsafe changes which might be the reason of some users having problems with the latest release.
update(3.3.3b -> 3.3.3c) added ntt device gps support back. removed exfat related mess. added Entropy512′s patch to prevent multicast packets for added headphone amplification setting to extweaks (named it soundgasm). fixed data statistics and some other changes in config and sources…
update(3.3.3c -> 3.3.3d) main wakelock fix by tungstwenty

pegasusq fixes and tweaks
added cfs tweaks settings to ExTweaks (samsung default, linux kernel default and thunderbolt script defaults)
added Tungstwenty’s implementation that let’s us see deleted wakelock details (optional in ExTweaks)
cherry-picked some wifi changes/fixes from cm9 repo
added mdnie negative effect toggle to ExTweaks (by Tungstwenty)
and some other tiny changes…
Linux 3.0.36

Update: (3.3.3 -> 3.3.3b) removed some potentially unsafe changes which might be the reason of some users having problems with the latest release.

SiyahKernel SGS2 v3.3.2
USB mode selection in ExTweaks (default, force mass storage, force mtp)
some tweaks & patches from upstream
battery charging animation, service and lpm.rc from CM9
wifi country code lookup part delegated back to the driver code
Linux 3.0.34

SiyahKernel v3.3.1
removed lots of experimental patches and merges. why? because I got my i9300 today and my i9100 will be used by my wife and I don’t want her to complain too much.
Linux 3.0.33

SiyahKernel v3.2.8
lots of merges with n7000 update3 sources (/kernel /mm /fs /block /net)
and some platform specific merges (cpufreq driver and usb related)
this release is probably the last v3.2 version. in v3.3beta I will use i9300 base and have a single repository for i9100 and i9300, which requires a little more time than I have now.
XZ compression because new flags and features make the kernel to exceed 8MB with gzip compression.

SiyahKernel v3.2.7.2
fixed triangleaway support. boot partitions are not hidden anymore.
back to GZIP compression because of new lvm binary
nandroid backup from&restore to 2ndROM (restoring to 2ndROM will take long because of the formatting inefficiency of the data image file)
new feature: mDNIe negative effect toggling via home button. press it 4 times to toggle. I hope you will find it useful for web browsers with white background.
new wifi driver from i9300 (SGS3) sources

update(1/6): wifi driver updates from sgs3 sources.

SiyahKernel v3.2.7.1
fixed triangleaway support. boot partitions are not hidden anymore.
back to GZIP compression because of new lvm binary
nandroid backup from&restore to 2ndROM (restoring to 2ndROM will take long because of the formatting inefficiency of the data image file)
new feature: mDNIe negative effect toggling via home button. press it 4 times to toggle. I hope you will find it useful for web browsers with white background.

SiyahKernel v3.2.6.4
new usb host driver. works fine with mouse, usb sticks and serial port adapters.
some wifi patches from n7000 sources. ioctl timeout is reduced from 20 secs to 5 secs.
fixed ntfs mounting and added ntfs-3g binary back. it will not be used if “ntfs mounter” app is installed. otherwise, ntfs sticks will be mounted read-only in /mnt/ntfs folder.
changed pegasusq governor defaults using AndreiLux’s settings. see this post for details (These settings are not used in the latest version. The settings are reverted back to older defaults while trying to fix a bug. However, it is still highly recommended to check that post and experiment with the settings)
disabled force-install of superuser but I highly recommend you to “remove root” in extweaks and restart after flashing this kernel to prevent lockups and force-closes.
added scaling_min_freq and scaling_max_freq settings to extweaks. default is 100-1200MHz, battery profile default is 100-1000MHz, performance profile default is 200-1200MHz
just a little tweak to mdnie settings… see /sbin/ext/tweaks.sh for details

UPDATE: 29/5 wifi&mmc related fixes.

Siyah v3.2.6
new usb host driver. works fine with mouse, usb sticks and serial port adapters.
some wifi patches from n7000 sources. ioctl timeout is reduced from 20 secs to 5 secs.
fixed ntfs mounting and added ntfs-3g binary back. it will not be used if “ntfs mounter” app is installed. otherwise, ntfs sticks will be mounted read-only in /mnt/ntfs folder.
changed pegasusq governor defaults using AndreiLux’s settings. see this post for details
disabled force-install of superuser but I highly recommend you to “remove root” in extweaks and restart after flashing this kernel to prevent lockups and force-closes.
added scaling_min_freq and scaling_max_freq settings to extweaks. default is 100-1200MHz, battery profile default is 100-1000MHz, performance profile default is 200-1200MHz
just a little tweak to mdnie settings… see /sbin/ext/tweaks.sh for details

SiyahKernel v3.2.5.2
Patch the firmware of certain Samsung emmc parts to fix a bug in the wear leveling code
fixed wifi not working with some country codes
bcmdhd: disable ESCAN_RESULT_PATCH again
disabled smooth scaling for all governors. you can enable it back using ExTweaks.
removed wifi scan interval tweak (it is commented in /sbin/ext/tweaks.sh for those who wants it back)
updated modem_if driver
force-install superuser.apk after flashing the kernel. this will be forced each time you flash a new version and it will happen only once for each version.

SiyahKernel v3.2.5.1
removed “Force GPU Rendering” tweak

SiyahKernel v3.2.5
fixed some BLN problems, especially the one which causes the UI to be incredibly slow
kmemhelper binary to get/set some variables using kmem interface
added smooth level setting to ExTweaks. default is 800MHz and only effective for ondemand and pegasusq governors
removed some unused variables from pegasusq
modified pegasusq governor: made frequency_for_responsiveness (default: 100000) and up_threshold_at_min_freq (default:85) configurable and with their new default values they will not cause any rapid jumps
added hotplug governor
adjustable touchscreen thresholds. you will have to use init.d scripts until I receive some user feedback and prepare some presets for ExTweaks. check /sbin/ext/tweaks.sh for the example.
removed CPU and GPU undervolting from battery profile as it was causing crashes on some devices.
newer wifi driver
updated thunderbolt scripts and added some more tweaking which will be applied on startup.
linux 3.0.32

SiyahKernel v3.2.4
enabled pegasusq governor. any other existing hotplug mechanisms will be disabled if you select it.
enabled smooth scaling for pegasusq governor
set pegasusq governor as default governor using extweaks settings. ondemand will still be the default governor for recovery.
set charging touch sensitivity movfilter value the same as battery movfilter value.
default lower freq level is set to 200MHz. do not use 25 or 50 if you are going to use pegasusq or ondemand.

SiyahKernel v3.2.3
new feature: “fix permissions in 2ndROM” in dual-boot menu
new option: checkbox for “turn on the touchkey lights when the screen is touched” in ExTweaks
you will have an error when trying to flash to 2ndROM before running ‘Wipe 2ndROM data/cache’ at least once. you need to create 2ndROM data and cache files in your sdcard first.
set lulzactive default pump up/down steps depending on the frequency table step size. Default values will be initialized using the number of steps between 500MHz and 800MHz which is 3 with 18 steps.
rebased lulzactive logic on new interactive governor
new option: very simple CPU Undervolting in ExTweaks. -25, -50, -75, -100mV for all levels.
progress bar for “Wipe 2ndROM data&cache” if it is performed for the first time.
added adjustable mDNIe settings (thanks to sakura). you can use init.d script to modify the settings. the interface files are in /sys/devices/platform/samsung-pd.2/mdnie/mdnie/mdnie directory. echo 1 to user_mode and change “user_cb” and “user_cr”. default values are 128 and valid range is 0-255.

SiyahKernel v3.2.2
added support for Boot-to-Gecko (b2g) (thanks to pulser)
slightly modified panel gamma set to have smoother transition for low-level lights and this will also help a little with the battery life when the screen is on.
removed LCD panel undervolting to prevent grayish tint with low brightness
enabled SCHED_AUTOGROUP once again
added “Wipe 2ndROM data/cache” to dual-boot menu in recovery. remember that it will take long if you do not have 2ndROM data and cache files in your sdcard.
led fade-in/fade-out effects. only fade-out is available in extweaks for now as fade-in implementation is not complete.
modified panel gamma set and added a lower brightness level as the first step. if you find it too low you can set min_gamma to 1 to have stock brightness level as in GB kernel.

SiyahKernel v3.2.1
removed ntfs-3g from the payload part to make the kernel smaller (I want to enable LZO instead of GZIP). if you want ntfs-3g you can find it here
enabled kernel’s ntfs support to mount usb flashes in read-only mode
LZO, to have even faster booting
re-enabled j4fs and mounting of lfs partition (hellcat’s boot logo changer worked, even if it stuck with “working” popup, but it could successfully set my cat’s photo as a boot logo )
reverted 267MHz GPU voltage back to 1000mV. if you did not have a problem with v3.2, you can set it back to 950 (or even lower) with ExTweaks.
fixed vdd_levels interface. it was supposed to be using milivolts but I noticed that it was using microvolts when I tried to echoing it ‘-50′ to undervolt all steps by 50mV.

SiyahKernel v3.2
removed nandroid backup from/restore to 2ndROM. There is a problem which I have just noticed and it will take some time to fix that. Use swap&backup until I fix it.
default lower cpu step is set to 100MHz
your extweaks settings will be automatically reset after flashing this version
used Linaro toolchain 4.7 (2012.04) which let me use gzip without exceeding 8MB

SiyahKernel v3.2rc2
disabled ESCAN_RESULT_PATCH in wifi driver
auto-reset extweaks profiles if customconfig.xml is changed
default i/o scheduler is set to sio for all profiles
increased brightness level for battery profile
undervolted gpu steps by 50mV in default profile

SiyahKernel v3.2rc1
fixed “view status” in dual-boot menu
new feature: “Wipe 2ndROM dalvik cache”
changed dual-boot menu item texts a little to make them more clear
lots of code cleanups, especially BLN related
added ftdi_sio.ko (usb-to-serial converter module)
fixed “format secondrom_data” or “format secondrom_cache” not working if there is no /sdcard/.secondrom folder
merged usb host drivers with sztupy’s build 5 usb host driver changes
merged with Linux 3.0.31

SiyahKernel v3.2b8
18-steps as default
multiple breathing steps for BLN, maximum 10 steps, asymmetric. see /res/customconfig/actions/bln_steps for examples.
fixed nandroid backup
removed busfreq voltage control (aka internal voltage)
new feature: “install zip to secondrom from internal sdcard” and “install zip to secondrom from external sdcard”.
if you want to install a ROM directly as SecondROM make sure you format “/secondrom_data” and “/secondrom_cache” before installing the ROM using this feature.
installing zips from dual-boot menu will prevent any kernel installation to avoid confusion and need to reflash siyahkernel back. original “install zip” feature will still flash kernels.
this feature assumes that you already have a SecondROM. or formatted /secondrom_data.and /secondrom_cache.
This part is also implemented. if you use a kitchen app, rom updater or CWM app in second rom the selected update will be flashed to the 2ndROM on boot.

SiyahKernel v3.2b7
added format SecondROM system, data and cache partitions.
enabled kernel panic timeout
nandroid backup of SecondROM
nandroid restore to SecondROM (kernel will not be restored if you restore to SecondROM). restoring data partition will take long because formatting a loop mounted image file takes long.
fixed wifi “Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000″ problem in wl_cfg80211_connect
lots of new patches&backports (for lowmemorykiller, bcmdhd and arm related) from myfluxi’s repo (thanks to myfluxi)
support for NTT-Docomo variant (you will need to “echo 16 > /proc/sys/kernel/rom_feature_set” to get gps working. I hope someone will prepare a flashable CWM file for ntt-docomo variant)
disabled smooth scaling for all governors except for ondemand
changed conservative governor settings a little

SiyahKernel v3.2b6
added customvoltage interface to modify internal voltages because it is already supported by nstools (thanks to Ezekeel).
testing possible fix for “INFO: rcu_sched detected stalls on CPUs/tasks” (back to stand-hotplug)
fixed BLN breathing settings reverting when ExTweaks is launched.
added confirmation before backup actions in CWM recovery
added double-tap selection to CWM recovery
GB touch sensitivity when on battery.

SiyahKernel v3.2b5
fixed some BLN problems
CM9 ROMs: lights will stay off after BLN if you disabled lights, stay on if you have them enabled.
if you set lights timeout, lights will turn on when you touch keypad or screen and turn off again after the timeout (just as in Samsung ROMs)
removed breathing setting and added bln_effect setting. available options are “steady”, “breathing” and “blinking”.
added breathing_start (mV), breathing_end (mV), breathing_period (ms), breathing_step (mV) interfaces to notification miscdevice. further customizations are possible by modifying those such as faster blinking or less brighter breathing.
touchscreen sensitivity is changed again
testing old GB hotplug (thanks to Entropy512 for porting it)
added touchpad led brightness level control to BLN tab in ExTweaks

SiyahKernel v3.2b4
new feature: breathing effect for native bln implementation. to enable: “echo 1 > /sys/class/misc/notification/breathing” it will only work when bln notification is active.
set touchscreen threshold settings to cm9 settings.
bln options configurable in ExTweaks app. we have enable/disable BLN checkbox, notification timeout, breathing on/off, led timeout (for cm9 or some AOSP roms which do not have led timeout settings) and testing BLN button.
make sure that you do not have blinking enabled if you want to use breathing effect in BLN. also, use only one notification timeout setting, either in ExTweaks or BLNPro app.

SiyahKernel v3.2b3
fixed BLN blinking in cm9
fixed touchscreen sensitivity problems when the device is on charge

SiyahKernel v3.2b2-2
updated bcmdhd wifi drivers.
fixed cpufreq_stats problems. if you change frequency steps, stats table will be recreated. since that change is meant to be made during boot I didn’t care about ActivityManager crashes. if you change freq steps while your device is running you will have a tiny soft restart of your UI because old stats table pointer will be stale.
increased gamma step count to 25 as in GB kernel to have smoother transitions.
fixed lulzactive problems because of dynamic freq step changes.
changed touch sensitivity values for charging state and set them the same as GB values
native aosp led notifications
led_timeout for cm9/aosp/aokp roms
merge with upstream Linux 3.0.30

SiyahKernel v3.1.2
fixed cm9 mount point problems
modifications in secondrom booting and mounting methods. you will be able to mount both sdcards using USB Mass Storage mode in the second ROM. just make sure you don’t delete “.secondrom” folder
cm9 as second rom should behave just the same as primary. no more emmc/sdcard swapping. removal of external sdcard will not affect functioning of any app.
merge with linux upstream (3.0.29)

SiyahKernel v3.1.1
applied latest cm9 initramfs changes
if you use cm9 as your second ROM, remember that internal sdcard location is /mnt/sdcard and it is fixed. you should have Settings->Storage->(Press menu)Storage Configuration->Use internal storage TICKED but the internal/external storage order will be reverse if you use cm9 as second ROM.
this kernel may not be compatible with some aokp based roms until they start using new cm9 convention for mount points. in that case use v3.1rc6.
increased min_free_kbytes to 16384 to see if it fixes wifi toggling issues (thanks to wjchen)

SiyahKernel v3.1
Changelog (including the changes from all previous 3.1 beta and rc builds):
USB serial support
USB mouse and keyboard support and fixed crash on unplug (thanks to sztupy for his galaxy s kernel sources and kevinh for the patches)
latest CM9 support
new liblights which supports both Samsung and cm9 ROMs+kernels to prevent problems when users flash stock or speedmod kernels.
disabled smooth scaling for interactive based governors (lulzactive and interactive)
prevented tick sound after reboots or in download/recovery modes
sio fifo_batch=1
adjustable gamma and vibrator levels (thanks to myfluxi)
added gamma and vibrator level adjustments to ExTweaks app
removed 1600MHz and 100MHz steps
merged with cm9 sources (some patches for at&t version and lots of cleanups/rewrites. thanks to teamhacksung and Entropy512)
default I/O scheduler is set to CFQ.for default profile.
CIFS is now built-in, no longer a module, to save space
Superuser.apk, su, CWMManager.apk and ntfs-3g files are moved to the end of the kernel and won’t be decompressed unless they are needed to speed up the boot time.
samsung recovery binaries and some unnecessary files moved to the end of the kernel image to eliminate unnecessary decompression. those will be decompressed only when you boot into recovery, which will make the booting process faster.
Implemented clone primary to secondary, clone secondary to primary and swap primary/secondary ROMs in CWM Recovery
updated to linux 3.0.28
fixed ntfs automount for usb sticks. it will be mounted to /mnt/ntfs
changed “format /emmc” and “format /sdcard” to “format internal sdcard” and “format external sdcard” to prevent confusion. In CWM Recovery, /emmc is internal sdcard and /sdcard is the external.
new wifi driver

SiyahKernel v3.1rc6 - Changelog:
changed “format /emmc” and “format /sdcard” to “format internal sdcard” and “format external sdcard” to prevent confusion. In CWM Recovery, /emmc is internal sdcard and /sdcard is the external.
added back the vibration level setting (thanks to myfluxi for the fix)
fixed ntfs automount for usb sticks. it will be mounted to /mnt/ntfs
removed blnww temporarily because of the battery drain it causes

SiyahKernel v3.1rc5 - Changelog:
fixed blnww problem
rebased on update4 sources (no upstream updates)

SiyahKernel v3.1rc4 - Changelog:

I highly recommend that you reset profiles in CWM Recovery to fix smooth_target offset.

checked all freq and voltage interfaces and found no problem. make sure you remove boot settings and reapply after flashing rc2 or newer because the number of frequency steps has changed. we do not have 8 steps anymore, we have 6 steps. you have to update your init.d scripts or reapply boot settings accordingly. Just in case, I have added parsing 8-step freq settings and discard first and last settings and apply 6 in the middle.
added progress bar to cloning process.
new feature: swap primary and secondary ROMs. It takes about twice the time of a cloning process. This will help you to update your second ROM until I finish flashing zips to second ROM.
updated smooth_scaling defaults to new step level. (smooth_target=1, smooth_offset=2, smooth_step=2)
added available space checks to cloning and swapping ROMs.
updated to linux 3.0.28
BLN: fixed cm9 ROMs having touch lights off after BLN notification
create /sdcard/.nobootlogo if you don’t want to see the boot logo on startup
reverted throttling levels back to stock levels. your device will be cooler on load but this may affect benchmark scores if the temperature is high. run your benchmarks in a fridge
fixed underclocking still uses 1200MHz
fixed performance governor always locking to 1200MHz
used GB kernel’s touch sensitivity values which nobody was complaining about…

SiyahKernel v3.1rc3 - Changelog:
new feature: BLN without Wakelock (BLNWW). Disabled by default. You have to enable it using ExTweaks app.
default I/O scheduler is set to CFQ.for default profile.
CIFS is now built-in, no longer a module, to save space
Superuser.apk, su, CWMManager.apk and ntfs-3g files are moved to the end of the kernel and won’t be decompressed unless they are needed to speed up the boot time.
samsung recovery binaries and some unnecessary files moved to the end of the kernel image to eliminate unnecessary decompression. those will be decompressed only when you boot into recovery, which will make the booting process faster.
we are now back to gzip compression after moving unnecessary binaries to payload part.

SiyahKernel v3.1rc2 - Changelog:
removed 1600MHz and 100MHz steps
merged with cm9 sources (some patches for at&t version and lots of cleanups/rewrites. thanks to teamhacksung and Entropy512)
updated the build script a little to fix the module loading issues (which is, by the way, the main root of wifi toggling issues)

SiyahKernel v3.1rc1 - Changelog:
fixed sdcard problem in Hydrog3nICS
adjustable gamma and vibrator levels (thanks to myfluxi)
added gamma and vibrator level adjustments to ExTweaks app
removed 3 sec. delay if you don’t have a second rom installed.
adjustable mDNIe settings (again from myfluxi’s repository) but I have not added any ExTweaks options to modify them. there may be some scripts or apps available to do it for you. I am new to this mDNIe settings so if you ask me my answer is “I don’t know”.
fixed sdcard location for samsung based ROMs when they are used as second rom.

SiyahKernel v3.1beta3 - Changelog:
fixed move2sd problem in CM9 and AO(S|K)P ROMs
mounted sdcard with utf8 (should fix some chinese or cryllic chars not being displayed correctly)
I recommend you to use move2sd feature only on the primary rom because there are lots of details which is really hard to explain here.

SiyahKernel v3.1beta2 - Changelog:
fixed high memory usage
fixed booting Samsung ROMs as the second ROM
no need to fix CWM Manager backup issue. If you use any action in CWM Manager it will only boot to recovery because CWM Touch Recovery only works for the primary ROM. The commands are created in secondary ROM’s cache partition if you use CWM Manager in the second ROM, therefore they will be ineffective in the recovery mode.
reapplied ondemandx patch (I forgot to put it back in v3.0 release. it should be the reason of having more battery drain with 3.0 than 3.0rc2)

SiyahKernel v3.1beta1 - Changelog:
touchscreen sensitivity tweaks
sio fifo_batch=1
set default usb mode to mass_storage for MIUI ROMs.
disabled smooth scaling for interactive based governors (lulzactive and interactive)
prevented tick sound after reboots or in download/recovery modes

SiyahKernel v3.0.1 - Changelog:
fixed Task Manager/Active Tasks issue
fixed module loading issue which was causing some weird problems such as fm radio not functioning or android logger not working.
added fs and readahead optimization parts of thunderbolt scripts back (thanks to pikachu01@XDA)
set vitalij value to 5 for default and battery profiles, 3 for performance. You can use ExTweaks to customize it to your taste.
performance profile tweaks. you’ll have to reset profiles in CWM Recovery to be able to use new performance defaults.
adbd, init, recovery and lights.exynos4.so are recompiled using la cm9 sources.
received lots of feedback from users who experienced wifi problems that this one doesn’t have any wifi toggling bug.

EDIT: updated on 9th April, 2012 to fix auto turn-on problem while charging in off mode (Samsung ROMs only). If you are on a Samsung ROM or MIUI please download again.

Mehr Infos zu gokhanmoral Kernels:


Die Datei mit der Endung *.zip ist die CWM Version
Die Datei mit der Endung *.tar ist die ODIN Version

Also entweder über CWM Modus flashen oder über ODIN flashen..

Downloads Siyah-s2-v5.0.1.tar (6.89 MB, 37 mal)
MD5: 6d783ad65cd3f2ab5c139675169c1d8c
SHA1: 891f74647f0dd084164ac2d143edb4576790f545
CRC32: a66a9f96

siyah-resetdefaultprofile.zip (146.22 kB, 10 mal)
MD5: 19964f0cd7e91ba0ff320f0b41d58504
SHA1: 017de18e5e05822047a9ffcff4e17679e0f25d72
CRC32: 7b6c2633

Siyah-s2-v5.0.1-CWM.zip (7.02 MB, 44 mal)
MD5: c2a089ce5dbd251fc22f43df9be75d2c
SHA1: c77c8d22d2297dc94acfda84049daa68ee7a6d72
CRC32: 8265bf0f

Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12.11.2012 19:04, insgesamt 87-mal bearbeitet

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Do., 08. März, 2012 um 21:12

Die Exteaks App gibt es an diesen Post angehängt..

Download ExTweaks.apk (348.79 kB, 8 mal)
MD5: 9c3caeb1f6cd874fce8af0d51729ec66
SHA1: 8694b50ffaf3ac95a19a5e43576b4c45d92f1e54
CRC32: 23db95c5

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Di., 20. März, 2012 um 18:48

Hier noch die Extras zum Kernel:

Download TouchGesturesSample-v1.1-CWM.zip (148.52 kB, 16 mal)
MD5: 3517c5eacbfe4f7628d8a770c55c0501
SHA1: cb75f26bbb39f4356be58a3ee733da8729707024
CRC32: 861c7ee3

Zuletzt bearbeitet am 19.08.2012 09:28, insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Di., 20. März, 2012 um 19:09

Hab ihn mir gerade gesaugt und werde ihn jetzt mal ausgiebig testen...

Mäh? Für sich selbst ist jeder unsterblich; er mag wissen, dass er sterben muss, aber er kann nie wissen, dass er tot ist...

Mi., 21. März, 2012 um 9:48

Heute im laufe des Tages kommt SiyahKernel v3.0beta5 ...


Hier die die neuste ChangeLog...

SiyahKernel v3.0beta5 - Changelog:
fixed GPU overclocking/undervolting problems
I think I fixed the problems with brightness curve (line actually, but it may not be completely linear because of min_bl setting. therefore, I still call it curve. I was thinking about making it a second order polynomial.anyway.. this works and one my CS instructors told me to leave something alone if it worked. almost all of my EE instructors think otherwise… well… we’ll see)
some extweaks fixes (i/o schedulers added, some descriptions modified)
compiled with linaro toolchain 4.5-2012.03
fixed overclocking problem (not using freq > 1200MHz)
fixed touchkey backlight staying on even if you set it to always off

Der Kernel ist an den ersten Post angehängt..

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Fr., 23. März, 2012 um 15:25

Die neue ChangeLog:

SiyahKernel v3.0beta6 - Changelog:
removed some tweaks to have better performance (sounds weird? yes, it does)
rebooting into download mode with cm9 phone options menu (holding the power button) is now working (yes, I am on CM9 now)
“Reset customconfig profiles” in CWM recovery “advanced” menu.
XZ compression
fixed MTP problem in CyanogenMod. (Thanks to codeworkx. Although I didn’t do exactly what he suggested his suggestion made this possible). I hope I didn’t break Samsung part
fixed adb in recovery mode
optimized CRC algorithm
removed powersave and userspace governors
enabled IKCONFIG

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Di., 27. März, 2012 um 7:51

ChangeLog für SiyahKernel v3.0beta7:

LZO compression for faster booting
Charge current interface (thanks to Entropy512). You can now use currentwidget to see how fast your devices is being charged.
Tegrak’s 2ndCore app support (thanks to pulser_g2@XDA) + ExTweaks interface to disable/enable/force hotplugging second core.
arm topology support (sched_mc) from linaro
enabled last_kmesg
lowered GPU lowest voltage level to 800mV
fixed hotplug rate setting in ExTweaks
removed autocopying of liblights for CM9 and clones. I will provide separate lights library for those ROMs
removed ntfs-3g binary from the kernel because we exceed 8MB size with LZO compression which is the fas one. I’ll provide it as a CWM-flashable zip later.
fixed blank screen problem with custom dpi on cm9 based ROMs.
disabled MTP support for CM9 ROMs temporarily. use this app to get mass storage working on CM9: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1389375
fixed low benchmark with higher frequencies

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 08. April, 2012 um 13:28

Die ChangeLog für die v3.0rc3:

Increased TCP buffer size
Added support for ALL (EDIT: still have problems with the official one. will be fixed on release) Samsung and CM9 based MIUI ROMs
merged with upstream 3.0.y, and created a new branch which is updated to 3.0.27 (thanks to codeworkx@XDA for the help with git)
removed pegasusq cpu governor
fixed theme flashing problems in CWM Recovery
fixed most of the lockups and freezes
increased touch sensitivity a lot. let’s see if this makes anybody unhappy…

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 08. April, 2012 um 13:28

Die ChangeLog für die v3.0rc4:

fixed liblights and it should be working on CM9 as it should have been.
fixed MIUI problem in initramfs (another typo)
fixed wifi toggling issue

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 08. April, 2012 um 13:29

Die ChangeLog für die v3.0:

fixed android logger
added GENTLE_FAIR_SLEEPERS and ARCH_POWER config to ExTweaks interface
fixed kernel specific options in CWM Touch Recovery
added “Remove init.d scripts” option to kernel specific options menu
usb mass storage mode in CWM Touch Recovery (rc4 is updated for you to this change)
used la cm9 kernel’s (codeworkx’s) sensitivity values. works better than my previous values.
set SIO I/O scheduler as default
removed almost all external tweaking scripts of any kind
fixed FM radio problem in rc3 and rc4

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Mo., 09. April, 2012 um 10:32

Die ChangeLog für die v3.0.1:

fixed Task Manager/Active Tasks issue
fixed module loading issue which was causing some weird problems such as fm radio not functioning or android logger not working.
added fs and readahead optimization parts of thunderbolt scripts back (thanks to pikachu01@XDA)
set vitalij value to 5 for default and battery profiles, 3 for performance. You can use ExTweaks to customize it to your taste.
performance profile tweaks. you’ll have to reset profiles in CWM Recovery to be able to use new performance defaults.
adbd, init, recovery and lights.exynos4.so are recompiled using la cm9 sources.
received lots of feedback from users who experienced wifi problems that this one doesn’t have any wifi toggling bug.

EDIT: updated on 9th April, 2012 to fix auto turn-on problem while charging in off mode (Samsung ROMs only). If you are on a Samsung ROM or MIUI please download again.

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Mi., 11. April, 2012 um 16:12

Die neuste ChangeLog:

SiyahKernel v3.1beta1 - Changelog:
touchscreen sensitivity tweaks
sio fifo_batch=1
set default usb mode to mass_storage for MIUI ROMs.
disabled smooth scaling for interactive based governors (lulzactive and interactive)
prevented tick sound after reboots or in download/recovery modes

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Do., 12. April, 2012 um 9:26

Neuste ChangeLog:

SiyahKernel v3.1beta2 - Changelog:
fixed high memory usage
fixed booting Samsung ROMs as the second ROM
no need to fix CWM Manager backup issue. If you use any action in CWM Manager it will only boot to recovery because CWM Touch Recovery only works for the primary ROM. The commands are created in secondary ROM’s cache partition if you use CWM Manager in the second ROM, therefore they will be ineffective in the recovery mode.
reapplied ondemandx patch (I forgot to put it back in v3.0 release. it should be the reason of having more battery drain with 3.0 than 3.0rc2)

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Do., 12. April, 2012 um 12:41

Langsam komm ich mit dem Updaten nicht mehr hinterher, immer wieder neue Kernel ^^

SiyahKernel v3.1beta3 - Changelog:
fixed move2sd problem in CM9 and AO(S|K)P ROMs
mounted sdcard with utf8 (should fix some chinese or cryllic chars not being displayed correctly)
I recommend you to use move2sd feature only on the primary rom because there are lots of details which is really hard to explain here.

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Fr., 13. April, 2012 um 10:50

Und wieder eine neue Version..

SiyahKernel v3.1rc1 - Changelog:
fixed sdcard problem in Hydrog3nICS
adjustable gamma and vibrator levels (thanks to myfluxi)
added gamma and vibrator level adjustments to ExTweaks app
removed 3 sec. delay if you don’t have a second rom installed.
adjustable mDNIe settings (again from myfluxi’s repository) but I have not added any ExTweaks options to modify them. there may be some scripts or apps available to do it for you. I am new to this mDNIe settings so if you ask me my answer is “I don’t know”.
fixed sdcard location for samsung based ROMs when they are used as second rom.

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Sa., 14. April, 2012 um 14:11

Und auch heute gibt es wieder eine neue Version ^^


removed 1600MHz and 100MHz steps
merged with cm9 sources (some patches for at&t version and lots of cleanups/rewrites. thanks to teamhacksung and Entropy512)
updated the build script a little to fix the module loading issues (which is, by the way, the main root of wifi toggling issues)

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Sa., 14. April, 2012 um 23:20

Wieder eine neue Version:

new feature: BLN without Wakelock (BLNWW). Disabled by default. You have to enable it using ExTweaks app.
default I/O scheduler is set to CFQ.for default profile.
CIFS is now built-in, no longer a module, to save space
Superuser.apk, su, CWMManager.apk and ntfs-3g files are moved to the end of the kernel and won’t be decompressed unless they are needed to speed up the boot time.
samsung recovery binaries and some unnecessary files moved to the end of the kernel image to eliminate unnecessary decompression. those will be decompressed only when you boot into recovery, which will make the booting process faster.
we are now back to gzip compression after moving unnecessary binaries to payload part.

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 15. April, 2012 um 12:07

Auf seiner Homepage ist jetzt schon die SiyahKernel v3.1rc4 angekündigt...

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Mo., 16. April, 2012 um 16:20

Hier die neuste ChangeLog:

I highly recommend that you reset profiles in CWM Recovery to fix smooth_target offset.

checked all freq and voltage interfaces and found no problem. make sure you remove boot settings and reapply after flashing rc2 or newer because the number of frequency steps has changed. we do not have 8 steps anymore, we have 6 steps. you have to update your init.d scripts or reapply boot settings accordingly. Just in case, I have added parsing 8-step freq settings and discard first and last settings and apply 6 in the middle.
added progress bar to cloning process.
new feature: swap primary and secondary ROMs. It takes about twice the time of a cloning process. This will help you to update your second ROM until I finish flashing zips to second ROM.
updated smooth_scaling defaults to new step level. (smooth_target=1, smooth_offset=2, smooth_step=2)
added available space checks to cloning and swapping ROMs.
updated to linux 3.0.28
BLN: fixed cm9 ROMs having touch lights off after BLN notification
create /sdcard/.nobootlogo if you don’t want to see the boot logo on startup
reverted throttling levels back to stock levels. your device will be cooler on load but this may affect benchmark scores if the temperature is high. run your benchmarks in a fridge
fixed underclocking still uses 1200MHz
fixed performance governor always locking to 1200MHz
used GB kernel’s touch sensitivity values which nobody was complaining about…

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Di., 17. April, 2012 um 15:08

Die neuste ChangeLog:

SiyahKernel v3.1rc5 - Changelog:
fixed blnww problem
rebased on update4 sources (no upstream updates)

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Mi., 18. April, 2012 um 21:15

Und wieder mal eine neue Version..

Hier die ChangeLog:

changed “format /emmc” and “format /sdcard” to “format internal sdcard” and “format external sdcard” to prevent confusion. In CWM Recovery, /emmc is internal sdcard and /sdcard is the external.
added back the vibration level setting (thanks to myfluxi for the fix)
fixed ntfs automount for usb sticks. it will be mounted to /mnt/ntfs
removed blnww temporarily because of the battery drain it causes

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Di., 24. April, 2012 um 17:21

Die neusten ChangeLogs:

SiyahKernel v3.1.2
fixed cm9 mount point problems
modifications in secondrom booting and mounting methods. you will be able to mount both sdcards using USB Mass Storage mode in the second ROM. just make sure you don’t delete “.secondrom” folder
cm9 as second rom should behave just the same as primary. no more emmc/sdcard swapping. removal of external sdcard will not affect functioning of any app.
merge with linux upstream (3.0.29)

SiyahKernel v3.1.1
applied latest cm9 initramfs changes
if you use cm9 as your second ROM, remember that internal sdcard location is /mnt/sdcard and it is fixed. you should have Settings->Storage->(Press menu)Storage Configuration->Use internal storage TICKED but the internal/external storage order will be reverse if you use cm9 as second ROM.
this kernel may not be compatible with some aokp based roms until they start using new cm9 convention for mount points. in that case use v3.1rc6.
increased min_free_kbytes to 16384 to see if it fixes wifi toggling issues (thanks to wjchen)

SiyahKernel v3.1
Changelog (including the changes from all previous 3.1 beta and rc builds):
USB serial support
USB mouse and keyboard support and fixed crash on unplug (thanks to sztupy for his galaxy s kernel sources and kevinh for the patches)
latest CM9 support
new liblights which supports both Samsung and cm9 ROMs+kernels to prevent problems when users flash stock or speedmod kernels.
disabled smooth scaling for interactive based governors (lulzactive and interactive)
prevented tick sound after reboots or in download/recovery modes
sio fifo_batch=1
adjustable gamma and vibrator levels (thanks to myfluxi)
added gamma and vibrator level adjustments to ExTweaks app
removed 1600MHz and 100MHz steps
merged with cm9 sources (some patches for at&t version and lots of cleanups/rewrites. thanks to teamhacksung and Entropy512)
default I/O scheduler is set to CFQ.for default profile.
CIFS is now built-in, no longer a module, to save space
Superuser.apk, su, CWMManager.apk and ntfs-3g files are moved to the end of the kernel and won’t be decompressed unless they are needed to speed up the boot time.
samsung recovery binaries and some unnecessary files moved to the end of the kernel image to eliminate unnecessary decompression. those will be decompressed only when you boot into recovery, which will make the booting process faster.
Implemented clone primary to secondary, clone secondary to primary and swap primary/secondary ROMs in CWM Recovery
updated to linux 3.0.28
fixed ntfs automount for usb sticks. it will be mounted to /mnt/ntfs
changed “format /emmc” and “format /sdcard” to “format internal sdcard” and “format external sdcard” to prevent confusion. In CWM Recovery, /emmc is internal sdcard and /sdcard is the external.
new wifi driver

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 29. April, 2012 um 20:51

Die neuste ChangeLog:

SiyahKernel v3.2b2-2

updated bcmdhd wifi drivers.
fixed cpufreq_stats problems. if you change frequency steps, stats table will be recreated. since that change is meant to be made during boot I didn’t care about ActivityManager crashes. if you change freq steps while your device is running you will have a tiny soft restart of your UI because old stats table pointer will be stale.
increased gamma step count to 25 as in GB kernel to have smoother transitions.
fixed lulzactive problems because of dynamic freq step changes.
changed touch sensitivity values for charging state and set them the same as GB values
native aosp led notifications
led_timeout for cm9/aosp/aokp roms
merge with upstream Linux 3.0.30

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Di., 01. Mai, 2012 um 10:03

Hier die neusten ChangeLogs..

SiyahKernel v3.2b4

new feature: breathing effect for native bln implementation. to enable: “echo 1 > /sys/class/misc/notification/breathing” it will only work when bln notification is active.
set touchscreen threshold settings to cm9 settings.
bln options configurable in ExTweaks app. we have enable/disable BLN checkbox, notification timeout, breathing on/off, led timeout (for cm9 or some AOSP roms which do not have led timeout settings) and testing BLN button.
make sure that you do not have blinking enabled if you want to use breathing effect in BLN. also, use only one notification timeout setting, either in ExTweaks or BLNPro app.

SiyahKernel v3.2b3

fixed BLN blinking in cm9
fixed touchscreen sensitivity problems when the device is on charge

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Di., 01. Mai, 2012 um 17:36

Und schon wieder ein neuer Kernel...

SiyahKernel v3.2b5
fixed some BLN problems
CM9 ROMs: lights will stay off after BLN if you disabled lights, stay on if you have them enabled.
if you set lights timeout, lights will turn on when you touch keypad or screen and turn off again after the timeout (just as in Samsung ROMs)
removed breathing setting and added bln_effect setting. available options are “steady”, “breathing” and “blinking”.
added breathing_start (mV), breathing_end (mV), breathing_period (ms), breathing_step (mV) interfaces to notification miscdevice. further customizations are possible by modifying those such as faster blinking or less brighter breathing.
touchscreen sensitivity is changed again
testing old GB hotplug (thanks to Entropy512 for porting it)
added touchpad led brightness level control to BLN tab in ExTweaks

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

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