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SiyahKernel S3-v1.9.1 Jelly Bean

Sep. '12
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Fr., 14. September, 2012 um 20:07


ACHTUNG! Die nachfolgenden Informationen sind nicht für AnfängerInnen geeignet. Bitte mach nur weiter, wenn du dir sicher bist, was du tust. Wir übernehmen keinerlei Verantwortung falls du dein Gerät oder Daten beschädigst. Die übernehmen wir sonst auch nicht, aber hier möchten wir explizit darauf hinweisen, dass es nicht ungefährlich ist, solche Eingriffe und Änderungen vorzunehmen. Fortfahren also auf eigene Gefahr!

Dieser Kernel ist nur für das SGS3 (Samsung Galaxy S3)!!!
Bitte niemals auf einem SGS2 probieren!!!

Ausserdem ist er nur unter Jelly Bean - Android 4.1.x lauffähig!!!

SiyahKernel s3-v1.9.1
based on GT-I9300_JB_Opensource_Update9
updated mali driver to support latest CM-10.1
some ramfs changes/fixes/tweaks
tested only on Samsung 4.1.2 latest official ROM and CM-10.1 nightly (30/3/2013). Samsung 4.2 leaks are not supported. Also CM10 support is dropped as I don’t want to keep 3 different mali drivers in the kernel.
v1.9.0->v1.9.1: fixed hw acceleration problems (samsung roms only). enabled zram (500MB with swappiness of 100).

SiyahKernel s3-v1.9.0
based on GT-I9300_JB_Opensource_Update9
updated mali driver to support latest CM-10.1
some ramfs changes/fixes/tweaks
tested only on Samsung 4.1.2 latest official ROM and CM-10.1 nightly (30/3/2013). Samsung 4.2 leaks are not supported.

TODO (in later 1.9.X versions):
fix slide2wake
improve scoobydoo sound
cherrypick Andrei’s mdnie control & calibration magic

SiyahKernel s3-v1.8.9
1.8.8->1.8.9: fixed the problem when installing cm10.1 directly as 2ndROM. fixed bluetooth issue in cm10/cm10.1 (credits to Entropy512, just cherrypicked his commit from CM10.1 kernel repo). added profile support back to support droidphile’s STweaksProfiles app. Updated CWM-based recovery to

SiyahKernel s3-v1.8.8
1.8.7->1.8.8: fixed cm10.1 not booting when installed as 2ndROM (a tiny typo in ramfs)

SiyahKernel s3-v1.8.7
rebased on i9300 update7 sources (sudden-death issue is supposedly fixed in this source drop)
reverted temporary fix for exynos-mem exploit as i9300-update7 sources already fix that
cm10.1 is now supported in dual-boot configurations

SiyahKernel S3-v1.8.6
v1.8.5 -> v1.8.6: fixed dualboot problem when having Samsung ROM as the 2ndROM.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.8.5
a temporary kernel-side fix for exynos-mem security hole until Samsung fixes it
added ROW I/O scheduler and set it as default
lowered GPU thresholds a bit
fixed GPU voltage initialization (thanks to AndreiLux)
fixed power saving mode not working (thanks to AndreiLux)
changed “pleasant for ears” preset and set it default
boots on cm10.1 but do not use dual-boot support. it will not work yet.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.8.4
v1.8.3 -> v1.8.4: reverted VM_MAX_READAHEAD commit. adjusted cpu hotplug in/out rates in pegasusq because they were just too low after decreasing the sampling time.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.8.3
v1.8.2. -> v1.8.3: fixed problem of fb earlysuspend delay not being persisted across reboots. removed automatic installation of stweaks (you can find it on google play).

SiyahKernel S3-v1.8.2
v1.8.1 -> v1.8.2: fixed gpu voltage problems

SiyahKernel S3-v1.8.1
Ported CPU UV tab from AndreiLux’s STweaks config
Dynamic generation of STweaks config and initial GPU voltages are set correctly (mostly based on AndreiLux’s uci.sh script interface while trying to keep the changes minimum to support other guys using my scripts as base)
Workaround for CRT animation problem (at the bottom of the screen tab in STweaks)
fixed the problem of copying large files that some users experience
removed custom modifications from pegasusq governor and changed the tweaked values a little

SiyahKernel S3-v1.8
rebased on Samsung’s N8020 sources (mainly some CMA_DMA changes/fixes/optimizations, driver & platform code changes and some additional pegasusq logic)
fine tuning on pegasusq governor
some tiny ramfs changes such as adding governor selection back to STweaks

SiyahKernel S3-v1.7
Dual-booting (supports only JB ROMs: Samsung JB and CM10)
fixed a UMP related bug in v1.6.8 that was causing lags for CM10 users
removed CPU locking when GPU freq >=440MHz
alternate touch recovery for secondrom related operations
Alternate CWM-recovery based 2ndROM utils which can be used via STweaks. No more custom recovery.
Added “no boot logo”, “Reboot into 2ndROM Utils”, “Reboot into First ROM” and “Reboot into Second ROM” options to STweaks.
“Black Crush Fix” by AndreiLux.
car dock support.
Added this to ramfs (thanks to Oranav@XDA) to fix EasyUMS compatiblity in cm10.
new STweaks (500% faster startup, retouched UI ) which is also available on Google Play
applied wifi changes in CM10 repo to fix wifi tethering problem.
Based on update6 sources.
added discrete wakelock stats and gestures (both by Tungstwenty) back.
dns_resolver and md4 modules are linked into the kernel, so loading cifs will be enough to use smb shares.
single image for kernel and recovery, if you flash it to boot partition it is a kernel, if you flash it to recovery it is a CWM-based custom recovery (hijack-recovery is available in STweaks to flash the kernel as a custom recovery).
added cm10′s wireless driver as a separate module.
increased mmc timeout even more. added default ROM selection in STweaks.
disabled gpu resume freq and gpu boost completely.
tweaked pegasusq a little more. ramfs updates for samsung and cm10.
ported slide2wake from fluxi’s implementation (WIP. still need some more work).
back to new MTP driver.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.7rc3
Jetzt muss auch der Recovery Flash nicht mehr Extra installiert werden..

v1.7rc2 -> v1.7rc3: reverted cyanogenmod mdnie scenario commit. reverted wireless driver and added cm10′s wireless driver as a separate module.

v1.7rc1 -> v1.7rc2: new STweaks (500% faster startup, retouched UI ), applied wifi changes in CM10 repo to fix wifi tethering problem. Based on update6 sources. added discrete wakelock stats and gestures (both by Tungstwenty) back. dns_resolver and md4 modules are linked into the kernel, so loading cifs will be enough to use smb shares. single image for kernel and recovery, if you flash it to boot partition it is a kernel, if you flash it to recovery it is a CWM-based custom recovery (hijack-recovery will be available in STweaks to flash a custom recovery).

SiyahKernel S3-v1.7rc1
Jetzt muss auch der Recovery Flash nicht mehr Extra installiert werden..
car dock support. reverted TMU modifications. some fixes for backup/restore for 2ndROM and internal/external confusion is resolved. default I/O scheduler is set to deadline. default gpu boost is set to disabled. Added this to ramfs (thanks to Oranav@XDA) to fix EasyUMS compatiblity in cm10.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.7beta6
Jetzt muss auch der Recovery Flash nicht mehr Extra installiert werden..
added backup/restore to 2ndROM utils. Make sure you backup your 2ndROM before you flash v1.7rc1 because there will be some radical changes in dual booting and you will have to restore your 2ndROM backup after flashing it.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.7beta5
Jetzt muss auch der Recovery Flash nicht mehr Extra installiert werden..
added (again) gpu boost on touch. set touch boos default back to 800MHz. updated bcmdhd driver to the one in korean s3 driver. mali refactorings (new_* interfaces removed from /sys/module/mali/parameters. this will fix malistatus problem).

SiyahKernel S3-v1.7beta4
Jetzt muss auch der Recovery Flash nicht mehr Extra installiert werden..
replace the recovery image with the new one which was forgotten in the previous release. fix permissions on 2ndROM should be working now. Made a change in wifi offload filtering to deny muticast packets but allow multicast DNS packets.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.7beta3
Jetzt muss auch der Recovery Flash nicht mehr Extra installiert werden..
Recovery is merged with the kernel, no more separate recovery. Flash back your favorite recovery and use STweaks to boot into 2ndROM-utils (which is another CWM-based recovery built into the kernel). Added “no boot logo” option to STweaks. Added “Reboot into 2ndROM Utils”, “Reboot into First ROM” and “Reboot into Second ROM” options. Added “Fix 2ndROM permissions” and “Wipe 2ndROM cache” (wipes only cache partition, not data) to 2ndROM-utils. Fixed some bugs in 2ndROM-utils. Added “Black Crush Fix” by AndreiLux. lcd freq is decreased just a bit to save a little power.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.7beta2
Jetzt muss auch der Recovery Flash nicht mehr Extra installiert werden..
v1.7b1 -> v1.7b2: new recovery features: installing zips to secondrom, wipe 2ndROM data/cache & dalvik, fix 2ndROM permissions, exfat support. Fixed system partition cannot be mounted read/write. The recovery will be flashed together with the kernel.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.7beta1
Vor diesem Kernel, sollte der neue Recovery-i9300-Siyah geflasht werden...

  • Dual-booting (supports only JB ROMs: Samsung JB and CM10)
  • fixed a UMP related bug in v1.6.8 that was causing lags for CM10 users
  • removed CPU locking when GPU freq >=440MHz
  • alternate touch recovery for secondrom related operations
  • Some 2ndROM features are missing. Implemented features are: Clone 1stROM
  • to 2ndROM, Clone 2ndROM to 1stROM, Swap ROMs, Delete 2ndROM.

  • implement missing 2ndROM features
  • make a CWM-flashable 2ndROM-utils app
  • implement more accurate space requirement checks

Some recovery details:
  • CWM-based Recovery v6.0.1.4
  • default backup format is set to tar (you can set it to dedupe)
  • In kernel recovery options: delete stweaks defaults or remove init.d
  • scripts
  • In dual booting menu: swapping, cloning and other 2ndROM related
  • options
  • swipe gestures support (up/down to choose menu items and right/left
  • to select/back)
  • doubletap to select (needs a little more tuning though)
  • uses Samsung JB stock kernel recovery as the base

Some details about dual-booting:
  • 2ndROM system partition will be kept in /sdcard/.secondrom/system.img.
  • You will need 1.5GB space for the 2ndROM system partition in your
    internal sdcard.
  • both data partitions in 1stROM and 2ndROM will use the same space.
  • Make sure you have enough space to hold both system and data when you
    clone 1stROM to 2ndROM.
  • hidden partition is used as 2ndROM cache partition.
  • Flashing a new ROM may flash another kernel and you will not be
  • able to boot into 2ndROM anymore. But you will not lose it unless you
    delete “.secondrom” folder in your internal sdcard. So, flashing back
    SiyahKernel will let you boot into 2ndROM again.
  • See this post for more details. It is for S2 but still useful to
  • understand what dualbooting is about.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6.8
v1.6.7->v1.6.8: fixed mdnie sharpness tweaks causing strange artifacts on boot animation. removed process priority tweaks. removed some unnecessary patches. Enabled GENTLE_FAIR_SLEEPERS in default profile (either enable yourself if you are an existing user or reset stweaks if you want it to be enabled). You will see siyahkernel logo as I made this release while working on dual booting and did not spend any time to remove those, create “.nobootlogo” file in your internal sdcard if you find it too disturbing. Fixed setcpu showing 1704 when overclocked to 1700.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6.7
v1.6.6i -> v1.6.7: removed last remaining module and linked it into the kernel (mdnie_mods). Made all mdnie variables configurable via misc device (all in /sys/class/misc/mdnie). Hardcore’s sharpness tweaks are converted into a script to use the new interface as an example.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6.6i
v1.6.5 -> v1.6.6: changed TMU thresholds a little. fixed freq scaling stuck at some frequencies. removed cfs tweaks from stweaks. some experimental process priority modifications to have better UI experience. most of the custom modules are now linked into the kernel and not loaded as modules. lulzactiveq tweaks.

v1.6.6 -> v1.6.6i: one line fix for freq being stuck at 1704MHz. changed process thresholds a little.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6.5
v1.6.3 -> v1.6.4: new CPU steps (1700MHz & 1800MHz) (thanks to AndreiLux as I used his kernel and multipliers while making the changes). fixed mali module related problems. fixed lockup problem while charging the device when it is off. reverted most of the changes back to v1.5 state which were removed during the lag-hunting process (discrete wakelocks, gestures, voltages…etc).

v1.6.4 -> v1.6.5 re-adjusted regulator constraints which were lost because of the removed module. fixed touch boost setting. enabled swap.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6.3
v1.6.2 -> v1.6.3: change packet filter settings to block multicast (thanks to Entropy512). fixed mali UMP mistakes which might be causing problems on Samsung ROMs. Reverted mali cpu lock levels to stock.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6.2
v1.6.1 -> v1.6.2: cleaned ICS leftovers from ramfs. adjusted maximum GPU voltage constraint (1075mV->1400mV). increased default GPU voltages by 25mV. This version will reset all your STweaks settings to defaults. Enabled swap (still no zram).

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6.1
v1.6 -> v1.6.1: reverted mtp driver to fix mtp problems on osx. removed some tweaks which were suspected to degrade performance. reniced kswapd0 to have lower priority. new wifi driver from n7105 sources.

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6RC3
mali as module (this version supports both Samsung JB and CM10 ROMs). removed swap & zram. fixed gpu clock setting problem. removed gpu boost temporarily. updated UMP driver. Added arm topology support again with cpupower driver. better loadavg calculation (thanks to AndreiLux for his merges from upstream) (v1.6rc3).

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6RC2
5-step GPU, new frequency steps for GPU, gpu boost on touch and some other GPU related modifications/cleanup. removed zram settings from samsung’s init.rc and added it back to stweaks. (v1.6rc2)

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6RC1
charge boost (for AC: up to 1200mA, for USB: up to 900mA)
Auto NTFS mounting to /mnt/ntfs after attaching an NTFS formatted USB stick
Audio enhancements, call it scoobydoo sound, eargasm or whatever (fully functional in v1.6b3)
Overclocking (changes 1400 step to 1500 or 1600, available in v1.6a5)
Some tiny script based tweaks…
Undervolting support, but works with nstools only. Used Ezekeel’s customvoltage interface. it is very similar to netarchy’s UV_mV_table and you can use your existing scripts with some little modification. I have also added vdd_levels (don’t know who implemented this) and AndreiLux’s UV_uV_table interfaces but they are in /sys/class/misc/customvoltage. Lowest voltage level is 850mV until the sources are released. (available in v1.6a6)
Disabled some logs
added lulzactiveq (not tweaked for s3 yet) and hotplug governors (v1.6a7)
removed the settings which are not available yet from STweaks (1.6a
mdnie sharpness tweaks from hardcore (1.6a9)
added kernel version to version string to let you see which SiyahKernel version you have (v1.6beta10)
based on LI8 stock kernel (v1.6beta10)
4-step gpu clock settings (clock and thresholds), with 533MHz option and with some limitations because of the lack of voltage settings (v1.6beta10)
mDNIe sharpness tweaks made optional, in STweaks/Screen tab (v1.6beta11)
SIO and V/R I/O Schedulers (v1.6beta12)
CIFS and NFS modules (v1.6beta12)
GPU undervolting (lower limit:850mV, upper limit: 1075mV until the kernel is compiled from the sources) (v1.6beta12)
support for setcpu, voltagecontrol and similar apps which are using universal UV interfaces (v1.6beta13)
added 1.6GHz and 1.5GHz CPU freq steps. no longer modified 1.4step for overclocking. (v1.6beta13)
fixed some modules not being loaded (v1.6beta14)
fixed vdd_levels path to fix STweaks undervolting settings not being applied (v1.6beta15)
adjusted regulator limits (850mV -> 600mV) (v1.6beta15)
configurable touchboost freq (v1.6beta15)
added gesture support (v1.6rc1)
added gpu boost on touch (v1.6rc1)
added mdnie toggle with home button (v1.6rc1)
enabled swap & zram (v1.6rc1)

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6Beta
mDNIe sharpness tweaks made optional, in STweaks/Screen tab (v1.6beta11)
SIO and V/R I/O Schedulers (v1.6beta12)
CIFS and NFS modules (v1.6beta12)
GPU undervolting (lower limit:850mV, upper limit: 1075mV until the kernel is compiled from the sources) (v1.6beta12)
support for setcpu, voltagecontrol and similar apps which are using universal UV interfaces (v1.6beta13)
added 1.6GHz and 1.5GHz CPU freq steps. no longer modified 1.4step for overclocking. (v1.6beta13)
fixed some modules not being loaded (v1.6beta14)
fixed vdd_levels path to fix STweaks undervolting settings not being applied (v1.6beta15)
adjusted regulator limits (850mV -> 600mV) (v1.6beta15)
configurable touchboost freq (v1.6beta15)

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6Beta
charge boost (for AC: up to 1200mA, for USB: up to 900mA)
Auto NTFS mounting to /mnt/ntfs after attaching an NTFS formatted USB stick
Audio enhancements, call it scoobydoo sound, eargasm or whatever (fully functional in v1.6b3)
Overclocking (changes 1400 step to 1500 or 1600, available in v1.6a5)
Some tiny script based tweaks…
Undervolting support, but works with nstools only. Used Ezekeel’s customvoltage interface. it is very similar to netarchy’s UV_mV_table and you can use your existing scripts with some little modification. I have also added vdd_levels (don’t know who implemented this) and AndreiLux’s UV_uV_table interfaces but they are in /sys/class/misc/customvoltage. Lowest voltage level is 850mV until the sources are released. (available in v1.6a6)
Disabled some logs
added lulzactiveq (not tweaked for s3 yet) and hotplug governors (v1.6a7)
removed the settings which are not available yet from STweaks (1.6a
mdnie sharpness tweaks from hardcore (1.6a9)
added kernel version to version string to let you see which SiyahKernel version you have (v1.6beta10)
based on LI8 stock kernel (v1.6beta10)
4-step gpu clock settings (clock and thresholds), with 533MHz option and with some limitations because of the lack of voltage settings (v1.6beta10)

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6Alpha
charge boost (for AC: up to 1200mA, for USB: up to 900mA)
Auto NTFS mounting to /mnt/ntfs after attaching an NTFS formatted USB stick
Audio enhancements, call it scoobydoo sound, eargasm or whatever (fully functional in v1.6b3)
Overclocking (changes 1400 step to 1500 or 1600, available in v1.6a5)
Some tiny script based tweaks…
Undervolting support, but works with nstools only. Used Ezekeel’s customvoltage interface. it is very similar to netarchy’s UV_mV_table and you can use your existing scripts with some little modification. I have also added vdd_levels (don’t know who implemented this) and AndreiLux’s UV_uV_table interfaces but they are in /sys/class/misc/customvoltage (available in v1.6a6)

Mehr Infos zu gokhanmoral Kernels:


Die Datei mit der Endung *.zip ist die CWM Version
Die Datei mit der Endung *.tar ist die ODIN Version

Also entweder über CWM Modus flashen oder über ODIN flashen..

Downloads Siyah-s3-v1.9.1.tar (7.39 MB, 63 mal)
MD5: 34e6a192118062e76845f7fc209e64b5
SHA1: f7adbc7c9953ec8cd43bede7df1a73322ca487c1
CRC32: 6b104733

Siyah-s3-v1.9.1-CWM.zip (7.51 MB, 86 mal)
MD5: 9495d0edd35a469595052acbed4b378b
SHA1: 71a4d2707bd67d8ff2a92587773f580806ee362c
CRC32: 31842175

Zuletzt bearbeitet am 03.04.2013 20:10, insgesamt 44-mal bearbeitet

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 16. September, 2012 um 18:56

Apps zum Kernel:

  • STweaks
  • Die STweaks App, da sie seit dem Kernel v1.8.3 nicht mehr automatisch enthalten ist...
  • StweaksProfiles
  • Ein Tool zum Sichern der STweaks Einstellungen...

Extras zum Kernel:

  • Recovery-i9300-Siyah
  • Dieses Update, bringt einen neuen Recovery Mode auf das Handy.
    Dieser wird ab der Kernelversion v1.7beta1 benötigt! Und sollte vorher geflasht werden!

    Ab der v1.7beta2 ist er bereits im Flashfile enthalten..
    Muss also nicht mehr extra geflasht werden...


Ältere Kernel:

Da es mit der v1.8 einige Probleme gibt, hier die vorige Version:

~ Siyah-s3-v1.7-CWM.zip
~ Siyah-s3-v1.7.tar

SiyahKernel S3-v1.7
Dual-booting (supports only JB ROMs: Samsung JB and CM10)
fixed a UMP related bug in v1.6.8 that was causing lags for CM10 users
removed CPU locking when GPU freq >=440MHz
alternate touch recovery for secondrom related operations
Alternate CWM-recovery based 2ndROM utils which can be used via STweaks. No more custom recovery.
Added “no boot logo”, “Reboot into 2ndROM Utils”, “Reboot into First ROM” and “Reboot into Second ROM” options to STweaks.
“Black Crush Fix” by AndreiLux.
car dock support.
Added this to ramfs (thanks to Oranav@XDA) to fix

EasyUMS compatiblity in cm10.
new STweaks (500% faster startup, retouched UI ) which is also available on Google Play
applied wifi changes in CM10 repo to fix wifi tethering problem.
Based on update6 sources.
added discrete wakelock stats and gestures (both by Tungstwenty) back.
dns_resolver and md4 modules are linked into the kernel, so loading cifs will be enough to use smb shares.
single image for kernel and recovery, if you flash it to boot partition it is a kernel, if you flash it to recovery it is a CWM-

based custom recovery (hijack-recovery is available in STweaks to flash the kernel as a custom recovery).
added cm10′s wireless driver as a separate module.
increased mmc timeout even more. added default ROM selection in STweaks.
disabled gpu resume freq and gpu boost completely.
tweaked pegasusq a little more. ramfs updates for samsung and cm10.
ported slide2wake from fluxi’s implementation (WIP. still need some more work).
back to new MTP driver.


Downloads recovery-i9300-siyah.tar (6.90 MB, 27 mal)
MD5: 16aa168c8335f9082c0e18928c1c46f2
SHA1: acbbb79924503d867412756dba4023feed496698
CRC32: b788598e

STweaks.apk (87.52 kB, 63 mal)
MD5: 310ed6b266e08c9b69308aa3f07e1e2f
SHA1: b7bbbcd7f051394771eb6bd397c1d1488ee6c1f8
CRC32: 517843b4

Siyah-s3-v1.7-CWM.zip (7.50 MB, 23 mal)
MD5: c370ddc136129d921b7b4bd3bd179e1c
SHA1: 792faf4898aed31a0e07b7212c9ea9b770cd7a86
CRC32: 4e6d3cf9

Siyah-s3-v1.7.tar (7.38 MB, 31 mal)
MD5: cf5b0639a176628e21f9389f02a5c679
SHA1: 8e62610ae2463d2d2a1e1ea082d8d1fbf6a21c7e
CRC32: 7073403f

Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12.01.2013 16:59, insgesamt 20-mal bearbeitet

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 16. September, 2012 um 18:57

Die neuste ChangeLog:

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6Beta
charge boost (for AC: up to 1200mA, for USB: up to 900mA)
Auto NTFS mounting to /mnt/ntfs after attaching an NTFS formatted USB stick
Audio enhancements, call it scoobydoo sound, eargasm or whatever (fully functional in v1.6b3)
Overclocking (changes 1400 step to 1500 or 1600, available in v1.6a5)
Some tiny script based tweaks…
Undervolting support, but works with nstools only. Used Ezekeel’s customvoltage interface. it is very similar to netarchy’s UV_mV_table and you can use your existing scripts with some little modification. I have also added vdd_levels (don’t know who implemented this) and AndreiLux’s UV_uV_table interfaces but they are in /sys/class/misc/customvoltage. Lowest voltage level is 850mV until the sources are released. (available in v1.6a6)
Disabled some logs
added lulzactiveq (not tweaked for s3 yet) and hotplug governors (v1.6a7)
removed the settings which are not available yet from STweaks (1.6a
mdnie sharpness tweaks from hardcore (1.6a9)
added kernel version to version string to let you see which SiyahKernel version you have (v1.6beta10)
based on LI8 stock kernel (v1.6beta10)
4-step gpu clock settings (clock and thresholds), with 533MHz option and with some limitations because of the lack of voltage settings (v1.6beta10)


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Mi., 19. September, 2012 um 17:00

Die neuste ChangeLog:

charge boost (for AC: up to 1200mA, for USB: up to 900mA)
Auto NTFS mounting to /mnt/ntfs after attaching an NTFS formatted USB stick
Audio enhancements, call it scoobydoo sound, eargasm or whatever (fully functional in v1.6b3)
Overclocking (changes 1400 step to 1500 or 1600, available in v1.6a5)
Some tiny script based tweaks…
Undervolting support, but works with nstools only. Used Ezekeel’s customvoltage interface. it is very similar to netarchy’s UV_mV_table and you can use your existing scripts with some little modification. I have also added vdd_levels (don’t know who implemented this) and AndreiLux’s UV_uV_table interfaces but they are in /sys/class/misc/customvoltage. Lowest voltage level is 850mV until the sources are released. (available in v1.6a6)
Disabled some logs
added lulzactiveq (not tweaked for s3 yet) and hotplug governors (v1.6a7)
removed the settings which are not available yet from STweaks (1.6a
mdnie sharpness tweaks from hardcore (1.6a9)
added kernel version to version string to let you see which SiyahKernel version you have (v1.6beta10)
based on LI8 stock kernel (v1.6beta10)
4-step gpu clock settings (clock and thresholds), with 533MHz option and with some limitations because of the lack of voltage settings (v1.6beta10)
mDNIe sharpness tweaks made optional, in STweaks/Screen tab (v1.6beta11)
SIO and V/R I/O Schedulers (v1.6beta12)
CIFS and NFS modules (v1.6beta12)
GPU undervolting (lower limit:850mV, upper limit: 1075mV until the kernel is compiled from the sources) (v1.6beta12)
support for setcpu, voltagecontrol and similar apps which are using universal UV interfaces (v1.6beta13)
added 1.6GHz and 1.5GHz CPU freq steps. no longer modified 1.4step for overclocking. (v1.6beta13)
fixed some modules not being loaded (v1.6beta14)
fixed vdd_levels path to fix STweaks undervolting settings not being applied (v1.6beta15)
adjusted regulator limits (850mV -> 600mV) (v1.6beta15)
configurable touchboost freq (v1.6beta15)


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Sa., 22. September, 2012 um 13:29

Hier die neuste ChangeLog..

Es geht langsam Richtung RC =)

charge boost (for AC: up to 1200mA, for USB: up to 900mA)
Auto NTFS mounting to /mnt/ntfs after attaching an NTFS formatted USB stick
Audio enhancements, call it scoobydoo sound, eargasm or whatever (fully functional in v1.6b3)
Overclocking (changes 1400 step to 1500 or 1600, available in v1.6a5)
Some tiny script based tweaks…
Undervolting support, but works with nstools only. Used Ezekeel’s customvoltage interface. it is very similar to netarchy’s UV_mV_table and you can use your existing scripts with some little modification. I have also added vdd_levels (don’t know who implemented this) and AndreiLux’s UV_uV_table interfaces but they are in /sys/class/misc/customvoltage. Lowest voltage level is 850mV until the sources are released. (available in v1.6a6)
Disabled some logs
added lulzactiveq (not tweaked for s3 yet) and hotplug governors (v1.6a7)
removed the settings which are not available yet from STweaks (1.6a
mdnie sharpness tweaks from hardcore (1.6a9)
added kernel version to version string to let you see which SiyahKernel version you have (v1.6beta10)
based on LI8 stock kernel (v1.6beta10)
4-step gpu clock settings (clock and thresholds), with 533MHz option and with some limitations because of the lack of voltage settings (v1.6beta10)
mDNIe sharpness tweaks made optional, in STweaks/Screen tab (v1.6beta11)
SIO and V/R I/O Schedulers (v1.6beta12)
CIFS and NFS modules (v1.6beta12)
GPU undervolting (lower limit:850mV, upper limit: 1075mV until the kernel is compiled from the sources) (v1.6beta12)
support for setcpu, voltagecontrol and similar apps which are using universal UV interfaces (v1.6beta13)
added 1.6GHz and 1.5GHz CPU freq steps. no longer modified 1.4step for overclocking. (v1.6beta13)
fixed some modules not being loaded (v1.6beta14)
fixed vdd_levels path to fix STweaks undervolting settings not being applied (v1.6beta15)
adjusted regulator limits (850mV -> 600mV) (v1.6beta15)
configurable touchboost freq (v1.6beta15)
added gesture support (v1.6rc1)
added gpu boost on touch (v1.6rc1)
added mdnie toggle with home button (v1.6rc1)
enabled swap & zram (v1.6rc1)


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Di., 25. September, 2012 um 22:50

Die neuste ChangeLog:

SiyahKernel S3-v1.6RC2
5-step GPU, new frequency steps for GPU, gpu boost on touch and some other GPU related modifications/cleanup. removed zram settings from samsung’s init.rc and added it back to stweaks. (v1.6rc2)


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Do., 27. September, 2012 um 15:52

Neuste ChangeLog:

mali as module (this version supports both Samsung JB and CM10 ROMs). removed swap & zram. fixed gpu clock setting problem. removed gpu boost temporarily. updated UMP driver. Added arm topology support again with cpupower driver. better loadavg calculation (thanks to AndreiLux for his merges from upstream) (v1.6rc3).


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Fr., 28. September, 2012 um 22:49

Neue ChangeLog:

v1.6 -> v1.6.1: reverted mtp driver to fix mtp problems on osx. removed some tweaks which were suspected to degrade performance. reniced kswapd0 to have lower priority. new wifi driver from n7105 sources.


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Sa., 29. September, 2012 um 22:19

Wieder neu:

v1.6.1 -> v1.6.2: cleaned ICS leftovers from ramfs. adjusted maximum GPU voltage constraint (1075mV->1400mV). increased default GPU voltages by 25mV. This version will reset all your STweaks settings to defaults. Enabled swap (still no zram).


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 30. September, 2012 um 10:24

Jeden Tag ein neuer Kernel ^^

v1.6.2 -> v1.6.3: change packet filter settings to block multicast (thanks to Entropy512). fixed mali UMP mistakes which might be causing problems on Samsung ROMs. Reverted mali cpu lock levels to stock.


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Di., 02. Oktober, 2012 um 10:03

Die neusten ChangeLogs:

v1.6.3 -> v1.6.4: new CPU steps (1700MHz & 1800MHz) (thanks to AndreiLux as I used his kernel and multipliers while making the changes). fixed mali module related problems. fixed lockup problem while charging the device when it is off. reverted most of the changes back to v1.5 state which were removed during the lag-hunting process (discrete wakelocks, gestures, voltages…etc).

v1.6.4 -> v1.6.5 re-adjusted regulator constraints which were lost because of the removed module. fixed touch boost setting. enabled swap.


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Mi., 03. Oktober, 2012 um 11:23

Noch eine ChangeLog:

v1.6.5 -> v1.6.6: changed TMU thresholds a little. fixed freq scaling stuck at some frequencies. removed cfs tweaks from stweaks. some experimental process priority modifications to have better UI experience. most of the custom modules are now linked into the kernel and not loaded as modules. lulzactiveq tweaks.

v1.6.6 -> v1.6.6i: one line fix for freq being stuck at 1704MHz. changed process thresholds a little.


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Mi., 03. Oktober, 2012 um 23:18

Wieder eine kleine Änderung:

v1.6.6i -> v1.6.7: removed last remaining module and linked it into the kernel (mdnie_mods). Made all mdnie variables configurable via misc device (all in /sys/class/misc/mdnie). Hardcore’s sharpness tweaks are converted into a script to use the new interface as an example.


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Sa., 06. Oktober, 2012 um 12:20

Wieder eine neue ChangeLog...

Die letzte, bevor es weiter geht zur v1.7 ...

v1.6.7->v1.6.8: fixed mdnie sharpness tweaks causing strange artifacts on boot animation. removed process priority tweaks. removed some unnecessary patches. Enabled GENTLE_FAIR_SLEEPERS in default profile (either enable yourself if you are an existing user or reset stweaks if you want it to be enabled). You will see siyahkernel logo as I made this release while working on dual booting and did not spend any time to remove those, create “.nobootlogo” file in your internal sdcard if you find it too disturbing. Fixed setcpu showing 1704 when overclocked to 1700.


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 07. Oktober, 2012 um 12:40

Hier die neuste ChangeLog..

Aber es ist erst ein BetaKernel! Kann also sein das noch nicht alles so funktioniert wie es soll!

SiyahKernel S3-v1.7beta1
Vor diesem Kernel, sollte der neue Recovery-i9300-Siyah geflasht werden...

  • Dual-booting (supports only JB ROMs: Samsung JB and CM10)
  • fixed a UMP related bug in v1.6.8 that was causing lags for CM10 users
  • removed CPU locking when GPU freq >=440MHz
  • alternate touch recovery for secondrom related operations
  • Some 2ndROM features are missing. Implemented features are: Clone 1stROM
  • to 2ndROM, Clone 2ndROM to 1stROM, Swap ROMs, Delete 2ndROM.

  • implement missing 2ndROM features
  • make a CWM-flashable 2ndROM-utils app
  • implement more accurate space requirement checks

Some recovery details:
  • CWM-based Recovery v6.0.1.4
  • default backup format is set to tar (you can set it to dedupe)
  • In kernel recovery options: delete stweaks defaults or remove init.d
  • scripts
  • In dual booting menu: swapping, cloning and other 2ndROM related
  • options
  • swipe gestures support (up/down to choose menu items and right/left
  • to select/back)
  • doubletap to select (needs a little more tuning though)
  • uses Samsung JB stock kernel recovery as the base

Some details about dual-booting:
  • 2ndROM system partition will be kept in /sdcard/.secondrom/system.img.
  • You will need 1.5GB space for the 2ndROM system partition in your
    internal sdcard.
  • both data partitions in 1stROM and 2ndROM will use the same space.
  • Make sure you have enough space to hold both system and data when you
    clone 1stROM to 2ndROM.
  • hidden partition is used as 2ndROM cache partition.
  • Flashing a new ROM may flash another kernel and you will not be
  • able to boot into 2ndROM anymore. But you will not lose it unless you
    delete “.secondrom” folder in your internal sdcard. So, flashing back
    SiyahKernel will let you boot into 2ndROM again.
  • See this post for more details. It is for S2 but still useful to
  • understand what dualbooting is about.


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Mo., 08. Oktober, 2012 um 21:51

Wieder ein update..

Jetzt muss auch der Recovery Flash nicht mehr Extra installiert werden..

v1.7b1 -> v1.7b2: new recovery features: installing zips to secondrom, wipe 2ndROM data/cache & dalvik, fix 2ndROM permissions, exfat support. Fixed system partition cannot be mounted read/write. The recovery will be flashed together with the kernel.


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Mi., 10. Oktober, 2012 um 11:25

Hier die neuste ChangeLog:

v1.7b2 -> v1.7b3: Recovery is merged with the kernel, no more separate recovery. Flash back your favorite recovery and use STweaks to boot into 2ndROM-utils (which is another CWM-based recovery built into the kernel). Added “no boot logo” option to STweaks. Added “Reboot into 2ndROM Utils”, “Reboot into First ROM” and “Reboot into Second ROM” options. Added “Fix 2ndROM permissions” and “Wipe 2ndROM cache” (wipes only cache partition, not data) to 2ndROM-utils. Fixed some bugs in 2ndROM-utils. Added “Black Crush Fix” by AndreiLux. lcd freq is decreased just a bit to save a little power.

Der Recovery Modus ist jetzt wieder im Kernel integriert und muss nicht mehr extra geflasht werden..

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Mi., 10. Oktober, 2012 um 20:08

Wieder eine neuer Kernel

v1.7.3->v1.7.4: replace the recovery image with the new one which was forgotten in the previous release. fix permissions on 2ndROM should be working now. Made a change in wifi offload filtering to deny muticast packets but allow multicast DNS packets.


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Sa., 13. Oktober, 2012 um 11:10

Wieder ein kleines Update:

v1.7b4 -> v1.7b5: added (again) gpu boost on touch. set touch boos default back to 800MHz. updated bcmdhd driver to the one in korean s3 driver. mali refactorings (new_* interfaces removed from /sys/module/mali/parameters. this will fix malistatus problem).


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 14. Oktober, 2012 um 11:52

Die neuste ChangeLog..

v1.7b5 -> v1.7b6: added backup/restore to 2ndROM utils. Make sure you backup your 2ndROM before you flash v1.7rc1 because there will be some radical changes in dual booting and you will have to restore your 2ndROM backup after flashing it.


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Do., 18. Oktober, 2012 um 12:02

Die neuste ChangeLog:

v1.7b6 -> v1.7rc1: car dock support. reverted TMU modifications. some fixes for backup/restore for 2ndROM and internal/external confusion is resolved. default I/O scheduler is set to deadline. default gpu boost is set to disabled. Added this to ramfs (thanks to Oranav@XDA) to fix EasyUMS compatiblity in cm10.


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 21. Oktober, 2012 um 11:57

Hab gerade das erstemal ein 2 Rom installiert, um die DualBootfunktion zu testen..

Funktioniert prima!

Einfach im CWM Menü ein 2 Rom installieren und beim hochfahren wird man dann gefragt welches man hochfahren will..

Klasse zum testen von aleXDroidia in Zukunft ^^

Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 11. November, 2012 um 10:03

Die neuste ChangeLog:

v1.7rc2 -> v1.7rc3: reverted cyanogenmod mdnie scenario commit. reverted wireless driver and added cm10′s wireless driver as a separate module.

v1.7rc1 -> v1.7rc2: new STweaks (500% faster startup, retouched UI ), applied wifi changes in CM10 repo to fix wifi tethering problem. Based on update6 sources. added discrete wakelock stats and gestures (both by Tungstwenty) back. dns_resolver and md4 modules are linked into the kernel, so loading cifs will be enough to use smb shares. single image for kernel and recovery, if you flash it to boot partition it is a kernel, if you flash it to recovery it is a CWM-based custom recovery (hijack-recovery will be available in STweaks to flash a custom recovery).


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

Mo., 19. November, 2012 um 23:15

Die neuste ChangeLog:

Dual-booting (supports only JB ROMs: Samsung JB and CM10)
fixed a UMP related bug in v1.6.8 that was causing lags for CM10 users
removed CPU locking when GPU freq >=440MHz
alternate touch recovery for secondrom related operations
Alternate CWM-recovery based 2ndROM utils which can be used via STweaks. No more custom recovery.
Added “no boot logo”, “Reboot into 2ndROM Utils”, “Reboot into First ROM” and “Reboot into Second ROM” options to STweaks.
“Black Crush Fix” by AndreiLux.
car dock support.
Added this to ramfs (thanks to Oranav@XDA) to fix EasyUMS compatiblity in cm10.
new STweaks (500% faster startup, retouched UI ) which is also available on Google Play
applied wifi changes in CM10 repo to fix wifi tethering problem.
Based on update6 sources.
added discrete wakelock stats and gestures (both by Tungstwenty) back.
dns_resolver and md4 modules are linked into the kernel, so loading cifs will be enough to use smb shares.
single image for kernel and recovery, if you flash it to boot partition it is a kernel, if you flash it to recovery it is a CWM-based custom recovery (hijack-recovery is available in STweaks to flash the kernel as a custom recovery).
added cm10′s wireless driver as a separate module.
increased mmc timeout even more. added default ROM selection in STweaks.
disabled gpu resume freq and gpu boost completely.
tweaked pegasusq a little more. ramfs updates for samsung and cm10.
ported slide2wake from fluxi’s implementation (WIP. still need some more work).
back to new MTP driver.


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

So., 25. November, 2012 um 13:48

Die neuste ChangeLog für die SiyahKernel S3-v1.8:

rebased on Samsung’s N8020 sources (mainly some CMA_DMA changes/fixes/optimizations, driver & platform code changes and some additional pegasusq logic)
fine tuning on pegasusq governor
some tiny ramfs changes such as adding governor selection back to STweaks


Der Mensch ist ein naiver Tourist mit einem abgelaufenem Visum für den Planeten Erde ..

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