
Google veröffentlicht Images für Android 7.1.2 und Changelog

04. April 2017, 08:15 |  0 Kommentare

Mit dem Update auf Android 7.1.2 werden einige der gröberen Fehler bei den Nexus und Pixel Geräten behoben. Das Update kommt schrittweise im Verlauf der nächsten Tage.

Auszug aus dem Changelog für das Pixel und Pixel XLToday, and over the next few weeks, we will begin the rollout of Android 7.1.2 to Pixel and Pixel XL devices. This update contains a number of bug fixes, added features, and general performance/stability improvements. A few changes and updates that we want to highlight are listed below:

  • Improved fingerprint swipe performance
  • Bluetooth connectivity improvements
  • Battery usage alerts

Some of the other fixes are with the early shutdown issue, a fix for the small number of users experiencing pink banding on the camera, and a fix to the audio popping issue some users were experiencing at high volumes.

Auszug aus dem Changelog für die Nexus GeräteToday, and over the next few weeks, we will begin the rollout of Android 7.1.2 to Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, and Pixel C. This update contains a number of bug fixes, added features, and general performance/stability improvements. A few changes and updates that we want to highlight are listed below:

  • Enhanced notification stability
  • Fingerprint swipe on 5X/6P
  • General connectivity improvements
  • Battery usage alerts

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