Milde Haftstrafen für Kim Dotcoms Mitstreiter dank Justiz-Deal
18. Juni 2023, 18:32 | 0 KommentareDie Megaupload-Mitbetreiber Ortmann und van der Kolk wurden zu 2,5 Jahren hinter Gittern verurteilt - dafür sagen sie künftig gegen ihren Ex-Chef aus
Vor kurzem wurden zwei ehemalige Manager der Megaupload-Betreiberfirma verurteilt, berichtet Torrentfreak. Die Umstände des Richterspruches dürften für Dotcom einen Rückschlag bedeuten.
Mathias Ortmann wurde vom High Court in Auckland zu 31 Monaten Gefängnis verurteilt, Bram van der Kolk fasste 30 Monate aus. Beide waren verantwortlich für die technische Infrastruktur und Programmierung und besaßen Anteile am Unternehmen. Das High Court ist die höchste Gericht Neuseelands für erstinstanzliche Verfahren. Das milde Urteil ist aber das Resultat einer Abmachung zwischen den Ermittlungsbehörden und den Angeklagten, mit der auch eine Auslieferung in die USA vom Tisch ist. Das Höchstmaß wäre bei zehneinhalb Jahren für Ortmann und zehn Jahren für van der Kolk gelegen.
KimDotcom @KimDotcom
🧵Megaupload Update 🧵
“There is no conspiracy. You did nothing wrong. All the bad optics are because of Mathias and I. It takes 3 for a conspiracy.” — Bram
“That‘ s right. There is no conspiracy.” — Mathias
“Nobody will believe that.” — Kim
“But it‘ s true.” — Bram
After we received the bundle of US evidence in the Megaupload case I confronted my co-defendants about their unacceptable communications and rogue actions while they were in charge of running our websites (still never enough to justify a criminal prosecution). I was shocked and recorded our conversations.
Afterwards I informed Bram and Mathias that I recorded them. We parted ways eventually. I trusted them with running Megaupload in accordance to the legal advise that we had received and they let me down. Now they try to blame me in exchange for lenient sentences. Why am I telling you this? I don‘ t need to worry about false confessions.
The fact that Bram and Mathias are innocent was confirmed by a single sentence their lawyer said in the Auckland High Court yesterday.
>They had no idea they would face criminal prosecution.<
That‘ s the truth. Nobody at Megaupload thought we could be criminally liable for user activity.
US prosecutors know this but seemingly withheld a mountain of exculpatory evidence from New Zealand authorities. Like the Skype call transcript they have where I reminded Mathias to always delete repeat infringers and ensure swift takedowns of reported links.
And taking down ’links’ opposed to underlying ’files’ was all that was legally required. The prosecution knows this from complaints US copyright holders made to US lawmakers about the unfairness of the law in that regard. The DOJ just keeps ignoring it like it never happened.
They keep lying about 90% of Megaupload being infringements when the only 2 servers they analyzed were our ’caching servers’ that were only serving the files with the highest download demand.
Don‘ t be fooled by the theatrics of NZ prosecutors yesterday trying to please their “international partners” by abusing my innocent co-defendants and repeating the same lies my legal team had already debunked in Court many times. Bram and Mathias simply had no more fight in them and gave up after a decade of torture through US lawfare.
When I saw the indictments I knew Bram would switch sides. He‘ s just that kind of guy. That‘ s why I recorded our conversations. I couldn‘ t care less about Bram. Mathias on the other hand was always like a brother to me. I miss him. I‘ m disappointed but I understand. He‘ s forgiven.
The good news? I‘ m battle hardened and I‘ m passionate about not giving an inch to corrupt US Govt bullies and their vassal enforcers at Crown Law in New Zealand. The little fireworks show that the prosecution put on yesterday means nothing. It’s a PR stunt. Bram and Mathias will make terrible witnesses for the US Govt. The fight goes on. Destiny is all.
Am 15. Juni, 2023 um 20:44 via ✕
🧵Megaupload Update 🧵
“There is no conspiracy. You did nothing wrong. All the bad optics are because of Mathias and I. It takes 3 for a conspiracy.” — Bram
“That‘ s right. There is no conspiracy.” — Mathias
“Nobody will believe that.” — Kim
“But it‘ s true.” — Bram
After we received the bundle of US evidence in the Megaupload case I confronted my co-defendants about their unacceptable communications and rogue actions while they were in charge of running our websites (still never enough to justify a criminal prosecution). I was shocked and recorded our conversations.
Afterwards I informed Bram and Mathias that I recorded them. We parted ways eventually. I trusted them with running Megaupload in accordance to the legal advise that we had received and they let me down. Now they try to blame me in exchange for lenient sentences. Why am I telling you this? I don‘ t need to worry about false confessions.
The fact that Bram and Mathias are innocent was confirmed by a single sentence their lawyer said in the Auckland High Court yesterday.
>They had no idea they would face criminal prosecution.<
That‘ s the truth. Nobody at Megaupload thought we could be criminally liable for user activity.
US prosecutors know this but seemingly withheld a mountain of exculpatory evidence from New Zealand authorities. Like the Skype call transcript they have where I reminded Mathias to always delete repeat infringers and ensure swift takedowns of reported links.
And taking down ’links’ opposed to underlying ’files’ was all that was legally required. The prosecution knows this from complaints US copyright holders made to US lawmakers about the unfairness of the law in that regard. The DOJ just keeps ignoring it like it never happened.
They keep lying about 90% of Megaupload being infringements when the only 2 servers they analyzed were our ’caching servers’ that were only serving the files with the highest download demand.
Don‘ t be fooled by the theatrics of NZ prosecutors yesterday trying to please their “international partners” by abusing my innocent co-defendants and repeating the same lies my legal team had already debunked in Court many times. Bram and Mathias simply had no more fight in them and gave up after a decade of torture through US lawfare.
When I saw the indictments I knew Bram would switch sides. He‘ s just that kind of guy. That‘ s why I recorded our conversations. I couldn‘ t care less about Bram. Mathias on the other hand was always like a brother to me. I miss him. I‘ m disappointed but I understand. He‘ s forgiven.
The good news? I‘ m battle hardened and I‘ m passionate about not giving an inch to corrupt US Govt bullies and their vassal enforcers at Crown Law in New Zealand. The little fireworks show that the prosecution put on yesterday means nothing. It’s a PR stunt. Bram and Mathias will make terrible witnesses for the US Govt. The fight goes on. Destiny is all.
Am 15. Juni, 2023 um 20:44 via ✕
Im Gegenzug haben sich Ortmann und van der Kolk zu voller Kooperation verpflichtet. Ihre Haft wird zudem aus persönlichen Gründen aufgeschoben, da Ortmanns Frau hochschwanger ist und van der Kolk in die Pflege seiner schwerkranken Mutter eingebunden ist. Ein weiterer Angeklagter, Finn Batato, verstarb vergangenes Jahr an den Folgen einer Krebserkrankung. Damit ist Dotcom der letzte vor Gericht, dem eine Auslieferung droht.
Dotcoms Anwalt Ira Rothken erklärt hierzu, dass das Urteil in Neuseeland nicht auf der gleichen Basis wie die Anklage in den USA steht. Dort wird den Ex-Megaupload-Mitarbeitern neben Urheberrechtsverletzungen auch organisierte Kriminalität und Geldwäsche vorgeworfen, sondern auf einem theoretischen Betrugskonstrukt, das in den Vereinigten Staaten gar nicht verhandelt werden könnte. Weiter anhängig gegen sie sind zivilrechtliche Klagen durch die Branchenverbände Motion Picture Association of America und Recording Industry Association of America.
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