Pokémon Prism: Fan-Spiel verbreitet sich trotz Abmahnung
30. Dez. 2016, 10:250
Nintendo wollte die Veröffentlichung von Pokémon Prism eigentlich per Unterlassungserklärung verhindern. Doch Unbekannte veröffentlichten dennoch eine Kopie.
Pokémon Prism, ein von Fans entwickelter Ableger von Pokémon Kristall, verbreitet sich derzeit trotz einer Unterlassungserklärung von Nintendo rasant im Netz. Das Spiel wurde von einer unbekannten Gruppe veröffentlicht, die nach eigenen Aussagen in keinerlei Verbindung zu den ursprünglichen Entwicklern steht. Man habe Zugriff auf das Spiel erlangen können, weil einer der Entwickler unachtsam gewesen sei. Weitere Details verrät man nicht. Die Unbekannten ermutigen die Fans jedoch dazu, das Spiel zu verbreiten.
Thanks for downloading Pokemon Prism. We might release updated versions
eventually if we find actual developers wanting to help finish the project, but
for now this is what we have.
We're attaching our public key in the key.gpg file. The ROM file (pokeprism.gbc)
is digitally signed, and you can verify that. We will use the same key to sign
updated versions if we ever release them.
If you have anything important to ask us, you can contact us by email at
prism-distrib@sigaint.org. Don't expect us to check that too often though.
This file contains the source of the game, the game itself and a small IPS patch
to convert the version you receive into the debug version. Please help us by
distributing these files however you can.
Since we can't very well wait for questions and host a real FAQ, let us get
ahead of the questions we at least do expect:
Q: Are you the original developers?
A: No, the developer team was ordered to cease and desist development on
December 21, 2016 and they complied with that request. We are in no way
affiliated with them.
Q: How did you get your hands on the game?
A: Magic and fairies. We just got a copy. Some dev was careless.
Q: Who are you?
A: A group of people interested in seeing ROM hacks succeed. This project grew
in popularity enough to make us interested in it, and the letter from
Nintendo got us in action.
Q: Will you release updates for the game, or fix the remaining bugs?
A: Maybe, if we can distribute them somehow. The major issue is getting
developers to help, though; we don't have much experience with this
particular programming language. We managed to figure out how to remove the
original credits (to prevent anyone from being liable by us doing this) and
that's about it.
Q: Can I distribute this? Can I use part of this to do something else?
A: Please do distribute it! And as for using part of this game to do something
else, while we can't give you permission (since we aren't the ones who made
it), it's very unlikely that the original devs would stop you after receiving
a C&D themselves.
Q: I'm Dr. Dickhead, from Dickhead, Shithead & Dickhead, lawyers, and we are
acting on behalf of our client, Nintendo. We detected that, on or about--
A: Don't waste your time or ours.
eventually if we find actual developers wanting to help finish the project, but
for now this is what we have.
We're attaching our public key in the key.gpg file. The ROM file (pokeprism.gbc)
is digitally signed, and you can verify that. We will use the same key to sign
updated versions if we ever release them.
If you have anything important to ask us, you can contact us by email at
prism-distrib@sigaint.org. Don't expect us to check that too often though.
This file contains the source of the game, the game itself and a small IPS patch
to convert the version you receive into the debug version. Please help us by
distributing these files however you can.
Since we can't very well wait for questions and host a real FAQ, let us get
ahead of the questions we at least do expect:
Q: Are you the original developers?
A: No, the developer team was ordered to cease and desist development on
December 21, 2016 and they complied with that request. We are in no way
affiliated with them.
Q: How did you get your hands on the game?
A: Magic and fairies. We just got a copy. Some dev was careless.
Q: Who are you?
A: A group of people interested in seeing ROM hacks succeed. This project grew
in popularity enough to make us interested in it, and the letter from
Nintendo got us in action.
Q: Will you release updates for the game, or fix the remaining bugs?
A: Maybe, if we can distribute them somehow. The major issue is getting
developers to help, though; we don't have much experience with this
particular programming language. We managed to figure out how to remove the
original credits (to prevent anyone from being liable by us doing this) and
that's about it.
Q: Can I distribute this? Can I use part of this to do something else?
A: Please do distribute it! And as for using part of this game to do something
else, while we can't give you permission (since we aren't the ones who made
it), it's very unlikely that the original devs would stop you after receiving
a C&D themselves.
Q: I'm Dr. Dickhead, from Dickhead, Shithead & Dickhead, lawyers, and we are
acting on behalf of our client, Nintendo. We detected that, on or about--
A: Don't waste your time or ours.
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