Ex-Mitarbeiter des niederländischen Provider Verelox löscht Kundendaten und legt Server lahm

10. Juni 2017, 15:56 |  0 Kommentare

Der niederländische Provider Verelox wurde von einem ehemaligen Administrator lahmgelegt. Dabei gingen auch Kundendaten verloren.

Ein erster Bericht dazu tauchte am Freitag auf BleepingComputer auf. Dort werden mehrere Einträge [1, 2, 3] in verschiedenen Webhosting-Foren zitiert. Kurz danach folgte ein offizielles Statement auf der Verelox-Webseite, das den Zwischenfall bestätigte, ohne jedoch Details über die Motivation des Ex-Mitarbeiters zu nennen.

First of all, we want to offer our apologies for any inconvenience.

Unfortunately, an ex administrator has deleted all customer data and wiped most servers.
Because of this, we took the necessary steps to temporarily take our network offline.
We have been working hard to recover the data but this was not possible for all data that was lost.

Our network and hosting services will be back this week with security updates.
Current customers who are still interested in our services will receive compensation for their services.
If clients have important data please contact us at support@verelox.com.
We will try our best with our technical team to recover you data.

Our recommendation is to change all server passwords.

Status update 1: (finished) All dedicated servers located in The Netherlands should be online at 6 PM UTC.
We are still working on a solution for cloud servers.

Status update 2: (finished) All dedicated servers are online. If you are facing any problems with your dedicated server please send a e-mail to support@verelox.com.
Right now all virtual machines are uploading to a new server.

Status update 3: (finished) Most cloud nodes located in The Netherlands are online.
We are still facing small problems with some cloud nodes, we will update this page when this is resolved.

Status update 4: (finished) All nodes located in The Netherlands are online.
Our France SSD node is also online, other nodes are coming up.

Status update 5: All our Canada nodes are online now. We are still working on France.

If your server is still offline please contact us at support@verelox.com.
Don't forgot to include your server IP address.
After investigation, there is no data lost in The Netherlands and France SSD.
We known about the IPv6 issues in The Netherlands our NOC is working on it.

— Verelox

Laut den Betreibern werde aktuell versucht, so viele Daten wie möglich zu retten, jedoch wird das nicht gänzlich gelingen.

Mehr dazu findest Du auf futurezone.at

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Bewertung: 3.0/5 (1 Stimme)

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