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The Evolution of World of Warcraft

Fr., 30. Dezember, 2022 um 3:14 #1

Although The 2016 World of Warcraft movie was disappointing in the US box office, it performed well in China and ended up making more than $430 million globally buy *****. It could be a loss however that doesn't necessarily rule out a sequel. Filmmaker Duncan Jones has ideas for an epic trilogy, but it's still to be determined if he'll get to make another movie.

The Evolution of World of Warcraft

A person was asking him on Twitter to confirm if there would be an World of Warcraft sequel, to which he candidly responded, "I truly don't know." Jones said he wants to develop a sequel, but added that the final decision will be left to Legendary the production firm behind the original film.

While an official World of Warcraft sequel is not yet confirmed, Jones recently shared some insight into what the movie's storyline could be about. In another tweet, Jones claimed that a Doomplate for Ogrim was planned for the character. Ogrim was planned for a sequel. He said: "With the orcs now in Azeroth they are taught about armor production in this World of Warcraft ."

Jones added: "[ World of Warcraft ] would have seen Dalaran LAND within the Alterac mountains and magic flourish as Kirin Tor attempt to be more open following the death Llane."

Here are more quotes from Jones about his story plans for the World of Warcraft sequel:

"Main orc's focus would have included Go'el's imprisonment and the violent struggle for freedom." "Source] On the subject of the main theme of the Alliance: "Don't want to give too much away, as there is no way to know... however, Khadgar is unleashing Pandora's 'Box', Lothar the arc Varian." [Source] World of Warcraft struggled *****, Jones states, because it had too many storylin"You need to be focused. The idea of serving more threads is the reason that we ended up in this situation." [Source]

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