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Mär. '09
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Di., 03. März, 2009 um 21:36
MortScript kann eine einfache Scriptsprache interpretieren und ausführen. Damit lassen sich gut Abläufe automatisieren oder Dinge bewerkstelligen, die sonst unmöglich wären (Das löschen von Systemdatenbanken beim Soft-Reset etwa). |
Di., 03. März, 2009 um 21:38
Hier findet ihr ganze viele Skripte und Beispiele... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=289197 |
Di., 03. März, 2009 um 21:39
Und hier noch die zusammenfassung der Kommandos: This is a quick overview. Please read the manual (readme.txt) for details! Syntax ====== Allowed parameter formats: - "string" quoted string: contained whitespaces remain unmodified, use double quotes to include quotes (e.g. "This is ""quoted"""), ^CR^=carriage return, ^LF^=line feed, ^NL^=new line (Windows/DOS = ^CR^^LF^), ^TAB^=tabulator. - variable contents of the variable - expression result of the expression, e.g. "Variable = "&variable - referred variables The (string) result of an expression in square brackets is used as variable name, e.g. " ] could refer to the variable "myArray". For assignments (variable = expression), array indexes, and in expressions, percent signs around variables are optional (i.e., %x% = %y% is the same as x = y), strings must be quoted. For boolean parameters (yes/no, true/false), 1 is yes/true, 0 is no/false. There are also these predefined variables: ON, YES, TRUE = 1 OFF, NO, FALSE = 0 CANCEL = 2 PI = 3.1415... PHI = 1.618... EULERT = 2.7182... (e) SQRT2 = 1.4142... (sqare root of 2) Lines can be continued by using "\" as last character. Example: Message message, \ "Title" Comments must start with "#" (trailing whitespaces are allowed). Example: # This is a comment Expressions =========== Strings: "any text, ""in quotes""" Numbers: 123 (only integer operations!) Variables: variable, array Operators by priority (highest first): () Brackets NOT Negation (True<->False) ^ Power (5^2=5*5) * / MOD Multiplication, division, modulo (remainder, integer only) + - Addition, subtraction & \ String concatenation (\ for paths) >, >=, <, <=, =, <> Numerical comparsions gt, ge, lt, le, eq, ne Alphanumerical comparsions c?a:b If c is TRUE, evaluates to a, otherwise b AND && Binary/logical and OR || Binary/logical or Numerical and alphanumerical comparsions have same priority, they're only splitted for better overview. AND and OR use binary logic, i.e. 3 AND 7 will return 3 (111 AND 011 = 011), while && and || use "C logic", i.e. everything that's not 0 is "true" (1), so 3 && 7 will return 1. Available commands and functions ================================ If "<type> =" is used, it is a function. This means, it returns a value and must be used in an expression (command parameter or condition). For example: var = Input( "Enter value" ) If( wndExists( "Explorer" ) ) ... EndIf Message( "Your input: " & Input( "Value:" ) ) Error handling -------------- ErrorLevel( "off"|"critical"|"syntax"|"error"|"warn" ) Variables --------- Set( <variable>,<expression> ) (better use <variable> = <expression> <variable> = <expression> also allowed: +=, -=, *=, /=, &=, \=; e.g. x/=2 meaning the same as x=x/2 Clear( <variable> ) bool = IsEmpty( <variable> ) int = VarType( <variable> ) - returns VAR_EMPTY, VAR_INT, VAR_FLOAT, VAR_STRING, or VAR_ARRAY Local( ) Global( <variable> {, <variable} ) String operations ----------------- string = Part( <string>,<seperator>,<index> ) int = Length( <string> ) string = SubStr( <string>,<start>,<length> ) string = CharAt( <string>,<position> ) int = Find( <string>,<search string> ) string = Replace( <string>,<search string>,<new string> ) int = ReverseFind( <string>,<search character> ) string = ToUpper( <string> ) string = ToLower( <string> ) string = RepeatString( <string>, <count> ) string = UCChar( <unicode value> ) string = UCValue( <character> ) Math / floating point operations -------------------------------- string = Format( <number>, <digits after decimal point> ) string = NumberToHex( <number> ) int = HexToNumber( <string with hex number> ) int = Ceil( <number> ) int = Floor( <number> ) int = Round( <number> ) (<.5 floor, >=.5 ceil) float = Sin( <radians> ) (radians = degree*PI/180) float = Cos( <radians> ) float = Tan( <radians> ) float = Log( <number> ) (based to EULERT / "e") float = Log10( <number> ) (based to 10) float = Sqrt( <number> ) (square root) int = CompareFloat( <number>, <number>, <precition> ) value = Min( <value>, <value> {,<value>} ) value = Max( <value>, <value> {,<value>} ) Array operations ---------------- Split( <string>,<seperator>,<trim?>,<variable>{,<variable>} ) (if only one variable, it's used as array) array = Split( <string>,<seperator> ) array = Array( value {, value } ) array = Map( key, value {, key, value} ) int = MaxIndex( array ) (last defined element with numerical index starting from 1) int = ElementCount( array ) (complete count of all elements, incl. alphanumerical indexes and cleared entries) Evaluate expressions in strings ------------------------------- value = Eval( <expression as string> ) (e.g. res = Eval("var" & index & " & ""...""") ) Execution --------- Run( <application> ) RunWait( <application> ) New( <menu entry> ) (Windows Mobile only) RunAt( <unix timestamp>, <application> ) RunAt( <year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>, <application> ) RunOnPowerOn( <application> ) RemoveNotifications( <application> ) Window control -------------- Show( <window title> ) Minimize( <window title> ) Close( <window title> ) string = ActiveWindow() bool = WndActive( <window title> ) bool = WndExists( <window title> ) WaitFor( <window title>,<seconds> ) WaitForActive( <window title>,<seconds> ) string = WindowText( <x>, <y> ) GetWindowPos( <window title>, <left>, <top>, <right>, <bottom> ) int = WndLeft( <window title> ) int = WndRight( <window title> ) int = WndTop( <window title> ) int = WndBottom( <window title> ) SendSpecial( <key> [, <state> ) Available keys (quoted string): Alt, Ctrl, Shift, CR, Win, Context, Tab, ESC, Space, Up, Down, Left, Right, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, Delete, Backspace, Insert, Snapshot, F1 - F12, LeftSoft, RightSoft Availabe states (quoted string): up, down - omit parameter for short press SendOK SendCancel SendYes SendNo SendCommand( <command id> ) SendMessage( <message id>, <wparam>, <lparam> ) (only numerical parameters supported!) int = SendMessage( <message id>, <wparam>, <lparam> ) (same as above as function) PostMessage( <message id>, <wparam>, <lparam> ) (only numerical parameters supported!) Sending keys ------------ SendKeys( <string> ) Send<special character> Special charaters: CR, Tab, Esc, Space, Backspace, Delete, Insert Up, Down, Left, Right, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, LeftSoft, RightSoft, Win, Context Snapshot SendCtrlKey( <key> ) Sending taps ("mouse events") ----------------------------- MouseClick( <x>,<y> ) MouseDblClick( <x>,<y> ) MouseDown( <x>,<y> ) MouseUp( <x>,<y> ) PC version only: Prefix with "Middle" or "Right" for those buttons, e.g. RightMouseClick(...) Waiting ------- Sleep( <milliseconds> ) SleepMessage( <seconds>,<message>]] ) WaitFor( <window title>,<seconds> ) WaitForActive( <window title>,<seconds> ) Time ---- int = TimeStamp() (local time as Unix timestamp) int = TimeStampUTC() (UTC time as Unix timestamp) string = FormatTime( <format> ) (formatted) string = TimeZoneName() (Name of current timezone) int = TimeZoneBias() (offset to UTC in minutes) bool = TimeZoneDST() (Daylight Saving Time active?) int = MakeTimeStamp( <year>, <month>, <day>]] ) GetTime( <hour>,<minute>,<seconds> ) (variable references!) SetTime( <hour>,<minute>,<seconds> ) SetDate( <day>,<month>,<year> ) FormatTime format strings: H = hour (24h) h = hour (12h) i = minute s = second d = day of month m = month Y = year (4 digits) y = year (2 digits) w = day of week (0=sunday,1=monday,...) u = unix time stamp A = AM/PM a = am/pm {MM} = month name (localized by system) {M} = month abbrevation (localized by system) {WW} = name of day (Monday etc., localized by system) {W} = abbreviated name of day (localized by system) Copy, rename, move, delete files -------------------------------- Copy( <source file>,<target file> ) XCopy( <source files>,<target directory>] ) Rename( <source file>,<target file> ) Move( <source files>,<target directory>] ) Delete( <files> ) DelTree( <files or directory> ) CreateShortcut( <shortcut file>,<target file> ) Read and write text files ------------------------- string = IniRead( <file/url>,<section>,<key> ) IniWrite( <file>,<section>,<key>,<value> ) string = ReadFile( <file/url> ] ) string = ReadLine( <file/url> ) WriteFile( <file>,<contents>] ) COM access ---------- SetComInfo( <port>, <timeout> [, <baud rate> [, <parity> [, <bits> ]]]] ) port: "COM1:" to "COM9:" baud rate: usually one of 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115200 parity: "none", "even", "odd", "mark", "space" bits: 4-8, usually 8 stop bits: 1, "1.5", 2 control: "none", "RTS/CTS", "XON/XOFF" File system informations ------------------------ bool = FileExists( <file> ) bool = DirExists( <directory> ) int = FileCreateTime( <file> ) int = FileModifyTime( <file> ) int = FileSize( <file> ) (max. 2147483647) int = FreeDiskSpace( <directory> ) (max. 2147483647) int = TotalDiskSpace( <directory> ) (max. 2147483647) bool = FileAttribute( <file>, <attribute> ) bool = SetFileAttribute( <file>, <attribute>, <set?> ) Allowed values for "attribute": hidden, readonly, system, archive (<- changeable) directory, romfile, compressed (<- cannot be set, romfile only for WM) SetFileAttribs( <file>,<readonly>] ) (1=set,0=remove,""/omit=keep) string = FileVersion( <file> ) GetVersion( <file>,<variable>,<variable>,<variable>,<variable> ) array = DirContents( <directory>, <type> ) (type = DC_FILES, DC_DIRS, or DC_ALL) Zip files --------- Please note: ZIP doesn't support Unicode for filenames. MortScript uses the old DOS encoding 437, like most popular ZIP progrograms. I.e., you might get troubles with (un)zipping files with non-ASCII characters. Rate: 0=no compression, 9=highest ZipFile( <source file>,<zip file>,<filename in archive> ) ZipFiles( <source files>,<zip file>]] ) UnzipFile( <zip file>,<filename in archive>,<target file> ) UnzipAll( <zip file>,<target directory> ) UnzipPath( <zip file>,<path in archive>,<target directory> ) Connections ----------- Connect( <connection name> ) for fixed connection name Connect( <title>, <message> ) for selection of connections Connect for default http connection CloseConnection closes only connection established by "Connect" Disconnect closes all connections (GPRS, ActiveSync, ...) bool = Connected() bool = InternetConnected( ) SetProxy( <proxy> ) not necessary if Connect was used Download( <url>,<target file> ) Directory operations -------------------- MkDir( <directory> ) RmDir( <directory> ) ChDir( <directory> ) PC version only! SystemPath( <path> ) valid values for path: ProgramsMenu, StartMenu, Startup, Documents, ProgramFiles, ScriptExe, ScriptPath, ScriptName, ScriptExt Registry -------- RegWriteString( <root>,<path>,<key>,<value> ) RegWriteDWord( <root>,<path>,<key>,<value> ) RegWriteBinary( <root>,<path>,<key>,<value> ) RegWriteMultiString( <root>,<path>,<key>,<value> ) (value should be an array) value = RegRead( <root>,<path>,<key> ) RegDelete( <root>,<path>,<key> ) RegDeleteKey( <root>,<path>,<values?>,<recursive?> ) bool = RegKeyExists( <root>,<path> ) bool = RegValueExists( <root>,<path>,<value> ) "root" values: HKCU (HKEY_CURRENT_USER), HKLM (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), HKCR (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT), HKUS (HKEY_USERS) Binary values are handled as strings whith the hex dump, e.g. "01020A". Dialog ------ string = Input( <message> ]]] ) Message( <text> ) SetMessageFont( <font size>, <font name> ) (for BigMessage, SleepMessage, Input; Message uses a system dialog that doesn't support own fonts!) BigMessage( <text> ) SleepMessage( <seconds>,<message>]] ) int = Question( <message> ] ) (Type=OkCancel,YesNo,YesNoCancel; Yes/OK=1,No=0,Cancel=2) SetChoiceEntryFormat( <item height> ) int = Choice( <title>,<message>,<default>,<timeout>,<array> ) (if only one text is given, it's assumed to be a array variable) int = Choice( <title>,<message>,<default>,<timeout>,<text1>,<text2>{,<text3>} ) (if only one text is given, it's assumed to be a array variable) string = SelectDirectory( <title>, <message> ) string = SelectFile( <title>, <save?> ]] ) Status window ------------- StatusInfo( <title> ) (title and list info text) StatusType( ST_HIDDEN|ST_LIST|ST_MESSAGE ] ) StatusHistorySize( <count> ) (number of entries in list) StatusMessage( <message> ]] ) StatusMessageAppend( <message> ) (appends last message) StatusRemoveLastMessage() StatusClear() (removes all previous messages) StatusShow() (bring status window to foreground) StatusListEntryFormat( <item height> ) WriteStatusHistory( <file name> ] ) Processes --------- bool = SupportsProcHandling() (For PNAs, check if ProcExists and Kill will work) bool = ProcExists( <process name> ) bool = ScriptProcExists( <script name> ) string = ActiveProcess( ) string = WindowProcess( <window title> ) Kill( <process name> ) KillScript( <script name> ) Signals ------- int = GetVolume() (Windows Mobile only) SetVolume( <value> ) (Windows Mobile only) PlaySound( <wav file> ) Vibrate( <milliseconds> ) Display/screen -------------- int = ColorAt( <x>,<y> ) int = RGB( <red>,<green>,<blue> ) int = Red( <color> ) int = Green( <color> ) int = Blue( <color> ) array = ScreenToChars( <x>, <y>, <width>, <height>, <color> ] ] ) Rotate( 0|90|180|270 ) (only Windows Mobile 2003 SE or higher) SetBacklight( <battery>,<external> ) (PPC only) ToggleDisplay( <on/off> ) (PPC only) bool = Screen( "landscape"|"portrait"|"square"|"vga"|"qvga" ) int = ScreenWidth() int = ScreenHeight() string = CurrentCursor( ) (returns "arrow", "wait", "cross", "help", or "uparrow") RedrawToday ShowWaitCursor HideWaitCursor Clipboard --------- SetClipText( <text> ) string = GetClipText() Memory ------ int = FreeMemory( ) (max. 2147483647) int = TotalMemory( ) (max. 2147483647) Energy ------ bool = ExternalPowered() int = BatteryPercentage() int = BackupBatteryPercentage() PowerOff IdleTimerReset (Windows Mobile only) System ------ MortScriptType() string = MortScriptVersion() (similar to FileVersion) GetMortScriptVersion( <variable>,<variable>,<variable>,<variable> ) (similar to GetVersion) value = SystemVersion( ) element: "major", "minor", "build", "platform", omit for major.minor.build Reset (Windows Mobile only) Control structures ================== If ( <condition> ) { ElseIf ( <condition> ) } EndIf Choice ( <title>,<message>,<text1> ) | ChoiceDefault ( <title>,<message>,<default>,<timeout>,<text1>, ) Case ( <index> ) EndChoice (if only one text is given, it's assumed to be a array variable) Switch ( <value> ) Case ( <index> ) EndSwitch While ( <condition> ) EndWhile Repeat ( <count> ) EndRepeat For <variable> = <value> to <value> Next ForEach <variable> in values ( <value>{,<value>} ) | ForEach <variable> in array ( <array variable> ) | ForEach <variable> in split ( <string>,<seperator>,<trim?> ) | ForEach <variable> in charsOf ( <string>,<seperator> ) | ForEach <variable> in iniSections ( <file/url> ) | ForEach <keyVariable>,<valueVariable> in iniKeys ( <file/url>,<section> ) | ForEach <variable> in regSubkeys ( <root>, <key> ) | ForEach <valueVariable>,<dataVariable> in regValues ( <root>,<key> ) | ForEach <variable> in files ( <file/url>,<files> ) | ForEach <variable> in directories ( <file/url>,<directories> ) EndForEach Call( <subroutine> { , <parameter> } ) CallFunction( <subroutine>, <result variable>, { , <parameter> } ) (mind to use quotes for the subroutine name, e.g. "Call ("MySubRoutine")" or use the old syntax without parentheses, like "Call MySubRoutine"). CallScript( <mortscript file (full path!)> { , <parameter> } ) CallScriptFunction( <mortscript file>, <result variable>, { , <parameter> } ) Return( <value> ) (only sets result for Call(Script)Function, does not leave Sub/Script!) Sub <subroutine> EndSub Include( <filename> ) (includes Sub/EndSub blocks of other files) Exit Old conditions ============== Only for compatibility, please use functions instead! I.e. "If ( wndExists( "window" ) )" instead of "If wndExists "window"". equals <value1>,<value2> expression <expression> fileExists <file> dirExists <directory> procExists <application> wndExists <window title> wndActive <window title> question <text> screen landscape|portrait|vga|qvga regKeyExists <root>,<path>,<key> regKeyEqualsString <root>,<path>,<key>,<value> regKeyEqualsDWord <root>,<path>,<key>,<value> Obsolete commands ================= These commands are for backward compatibility, you should use the new functions instead. Eval <variable>,<expression as string> (e.g. { "%var" & %index% & "% & ""...""" }) Input <variable>,<numeric?>,<message> GetPart <string>,<seperator>,<trim?>,<index>,<variable> SubStr <string>,<start>,<length>,<variable> Find <string>,<search string>,<variable> ReverseFind <string>,<search character>,<variable> MakeUpper <variable> MakeLower <variable> GetRGB <red>,<green>,<blue>,<variable> GetActiveWindow <variable> GetVersion <file>,<variable> IniRead <file/url>,<section>,<key>,<variable> ReadFile <file/url>,<variable> GetSystemPath <path>,<variable> RegReadString <root>,<path>,<key>,<variable> RegReadDWord <root>,<path>,<key>,<variable> RegReadBinary <root>,<path>,<key>,<variable> Input <variable>,<numeric?>,<message> GetMortScriptType <variable> GetSystemPath ,<variable> GetColorAt <x>,<y>,<variable> GetWindowText <x>,<y>,<variable> GetClipText <variable> GetActiveProcess <variable> |
Di., 03. März, 2009 um 21:41
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