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Dez. '09
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1,4 T.
„Gefällt mir“

Anm. Datum: 01.01.2001
Beiträge: 14441
Wohnort: Belgien
Handy: Alle Möglichen zum Testen
BeitragFr 04. Dezember, 2009 22:13
Antworten mit Zitat

What does ™ do? ™ is a patent pending mobile phone application, which will enable you to operate your touch screen mobile phone, single-handedly using only a finger. (no need to use the stylus or keyboard any more).

Now you can select anything you want on the screen, including tiny objects such as buttons on the keyboard, just by using your finger.

How does it work?
As soon as you touch the screen, a new window appears, showing an exact copy of the area where you put your finger. In this widow, a red circle points to the current position of your finger on the screen.

As you move your finger across the screen, the red circle will move with it, pointing to the position of your finger. Once you are happy with the selection, just lift your finger to make the phone do what you want.

A few moments after lifting your finger from the screen, the window will disappear. It only will reappear when you touch the screen again.

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Angehängte Datei
fing.it_v2.02.sis (61.83 KB, 1 mal)

MD5: 0bdae0a3922ef8e26f26a28e19ff1437
SHA1: e777d7984f26f1e4ced29afef81048da25165086
CRC32: 647bd538

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