LTT verrät Pläne für die Zukunft
Mehr Transparenz, bessere Prozesse und Checks vor dem Upload von Videos: LTT-Gründer Linus Sebastian meldet sich nach einer Woche Pause zurück.
Regarding the YouTube channel hack, we are now on top of it with Google's team now. Everything should be locked down and we are getting to the bottom of the attack vector with the (hopeful) goal of hardening their security around YouTube accounts and preventing this sort of thing from happening to anyone in the future.
You can expect a more detailed update on WAN show at some point in the future. Not sure if it'll happen this week since this is still a developing situation.
Good news is that you can expect to get your LTT fix on Floatplane as usual.
Mehr Transparenz, bessere Prozesse und Checks vor dem Upload von Videos: LTT-Gründer Linus Sebastian meldet sich nach einer Woche Pause zurück.
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