
Nova Launcher für Android 4.0+ ist in den Version 2.0 erschienen

01. Januar 2013, 17:38 |  3 Kommentare

Der Nova Launcher ist gestern in der Version 2.0 erschienen.

Die Änderungen seit der letzten Release Version:

2.0 Dec 31, 2012
Changes since 2.0beta10
Minor fixes

2.0beta10 Dec 28, 2012
Fixes for widget async
Fix dock landscape on 7" tablets
Tuning, fixing, optimizations, translations

2.0beta9 Dec 27, 2012
Fix widget position in dock
Nova Action icons for Nexus 10

2.0beta8 Dec 23, 2012
Fix custom icons not always sticking
Fix drawer list FC on Android 4.0
Misc fixes
Updated translations

2.0beta7 Dec 22, 2012
Fix drawer autoclose with rotate
Fix color theme for drawer list and dialogs
Fix FCs
Misc fixes and optimizations
Updated Translations

2.0beta6 Dec 21, 2012
Fix regressions in 2.0beta5 (gestures)
Widget fixes (Pure Calendar)

2.0beta5 Dec 20, 2012
Improve dock vertical alignment
Fix FCs
Widget fixes

2.0beta4 Dec 18, 2012
Fixes for backup
Fix drawer group refreshing
Improve Nova Settings warnings
Fix disappearing shadows
Fix folder bg resetting
Fix FCs

2.0beta3 Dec 16, 2012
Fix expand notifications on 4.2
Fix dock as overlay
Fix dock infinite scroll
Fix disabled wallpaper scrolling
Big Grid lab now works for dock size
Fix folder bg not saving
Fix FCs

2.0beta2 Dec 15, 2012
Public Beta
Icons and folders:
* Icon resizing (Prime)
* Swipe up action on desktop icon (Prime)
* Use app icon as custom icon
* Swipe to open folder, tap for custom action
* Disc background for folder icons
* Folder background transparency
* Support iconmask and shader in icon themes
* Updated Nova Action icons
* Bigger grid size options
Drawer Settings:
* Isolate tabs
* Infinite scroll
* Remember position
* List style
* Auto close
* Auto close
* Use small icons
* Crop to portrait/landscape or full
* Wallpaper scrolling on USA SGS2
Under the hood:
* Aggressive Desktop (Keep in memory)
* Merge Android 4.2 changes
* Faster load times
* Reduce memory usage
* Default on for UI Lock, widget async and widget cache
* Expandable "Advanced" in Settings menus
* Custom activity background instead of banded gradient

Download links:
Play Store
Release APK:
Nova Launcher APK
Beta APK:
Nova Launcher Beta APK

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Bewertung: 3.0/5 (7 Stimmen)

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