US-Senator will von Apple Antworten zu Face ID
14. Sep. 2017, 19:502
Der US-Senator Al Franken hat Apple einen Fragenkatalog zu Face ID vorgelegt und will die Zusicherung, dass Gesichtsmodelle nicht weitergegeben werden.
Al Franken von den Demokraten hat Bedenken bezüglich der Sicherheit und des Datenschutzes bei Apples neuer Zugangskontrolle. Er hat dem Unternehmen deshalb einen Katalog mit zehn Fragen (PDF) vorgelegt:
- 1. Apple has stated that all faceprint data will be stored locally on an individual's device asopposed to being sent to the cloud.
- 2. Apple has stated that it used more than one billion images in developing the Face ID algorithm. Where did these one billion face images come from?
- 3. What steps did Apple take to ensure its system was trained on a diverse set of faces, in terms of race, gender, and age? How is Apple protecting against racial, gender, or age bias in Face ID?
- 4. In the unveiling of the iPhone X, Apple made numerous assurances about the accuracy and sophistication of Face ID. Please describe again all the steps that Apple has taken to ensure that Face ID can distinguish an individual's face from a photograph or mask, forexample.
- 5. Apple has stated that is has no plans to allow any third party applications access to the Face ID system or its faceprint data. Can Apple assure its users that it will never share faceprint data, along with the tools or other information necessary to extract the data, with any commercial third party?
- 6. Can Apple confirm that it currently has no plans to use faceprmt data for any purpose other than the operation of Face ID?
- 7. Should Apple eventually determine that there would be reason to either begin storing faceprint data remotely or use the data for a purpose other than the operation of Face ID, what steps will it take to ensure users are meaningfully informed and in control of their data?
- 8. In order for Face ID to function and unlock the device, is the facial recognition system "always on/5 meaning does Face ID perpetually search for a face to recognize? If so:
- 9. What safeguards has Apple implemented to prevent the unlocking of the iPhone X when an individual other than the owner of the device holds it up to the owner's face?
- 10. How will Apple respond to law enforcement requests to access Apple's faceprint data or the Face ID system itself?
» a. Is it currently possible - either remotely or through physical access to the device -for either Apple or a third party to extract and obtain usable faceprint data from the iPhone X?
» b. Is there any foreseeable reason why Apple would decide to begin storing such data remotely?
» a. Will Apple retain, even if only locally, the raw photos of faces that are used to unlock (or attempt to unlock) the device?
» b. Will Apple retain, even if only locally, the faceprints of individuals other than the
owner of the device?
... den Apple bis zum 13. Oktober beantworten soll, wie heise berichtet. Der Senator verlangt Transparenz im Umgang mit der "neuen komplexen Technologie". Franken will etwa wissen, ob es aus der Ferne oder mit unmittelbarem Zugang möglich ist, das digitale Gesichtsmodell des Nutzers, das für Face ID notwendig ist, aus Apple-Geräten zu kopieren.
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