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how to remove instagram account on mobile?

Dez. '21
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Mi., 22. Dezember, 2021 um 13:28

how to remove Instagram account? If you don't know about that then I will tell you. You have 2 options if you finally take a decision to leave the instagram platform. The first is by deactivating your instagram account or the second way is by deleting your account. you can choose any way according to your mind. Let's be clear what you get if you choose any of these options. If you choose a deactivating method then your account is safe means it's not deleted whenever you want to use your account just login and done. But if you choose to delete your instagram account then you can't recover it back.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von aleX am 22.12.2021 16:10, insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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