> Forums > Der Spam den keiner will


Investing in Bitcoin/forex is the best investment

Gast Mo., 05. September, 2022 um 21:38 #1

Investing in Bitcoin/forex is the best investment anyone can do this year 2022, because Bitcoin, ethereum, crypto and forex investment has made a lot of people millionaire, I have witnes this and it will still rise (bull) to over $45k before the year ends. Choose *****. Great platform especially for new beginners. Get guaranteed returns within months. Start up, invest wisely and gain.

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aleX Di., 06. September, 2022 um 19:44 #2

In unserem Kryptowährungsforum darf gerne über solche Sachen diskutiert werden. Aber auf dubiose Seiten verlinken, wo man gleich merkt das dies Scam ist, geht gar nicht!

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