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Habe ein huwei mit android und will adminrechte was muß ich tun?

Jul. '13
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Mi., 10. Juli, 2013 um 21:09

Habe ein huwei mit android und will adminrechte was muß ich tun?

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Mi., 10. Juli, 2013 um 23:16


ACHTUNG! Die nachfolgenden Informationen sind nicht für AnfängerInnen geeignet. Bitte mach nur weiter, wenn du dir sicher bist, was du tust. Wir übernehmen keinerlei Verantwortung falls du dein Gerät oder Daten beschädigst. Die übernehmen wir sonst auch nicht, aber hier möchten wir explizit darauf hinweisen, dass es nicht ungefährlich ist, solche Eingriffe und Änderungen vorzunehmen. Fortfahren also auf eigene Gefahr!

Ich kenn mich mit den Huawei Geräten nicht so aus..

Laut einer Anleitung im Internet funktioniert es wie folgt:

This is an updated method on how to root your Huawei U8230.
First, you need the file hboot_2.xx_soff-V8.9.zip, download it.
Unzip it into c:evoroot on your pc.
Second, put your Huawei U8230 into development mode by going to Settings->Applications->Development and turn USB debugging on.
Third, connect your Huawei U8230 to your computer and set your USB to Just charge.
Fourth, if you get errors with drivers, install their HTC drivers. (You can also install HTC Sync, but it is bulky!)
Fifth, open up a command prompt by typing cmd.
Sixth, type the following commands: (Or copy and paste, easier!)
cd evoroot
adb push root/unrevoked-forever.zip /sdcard/
adb push root/mtd-eng.img /sdcard/
adb push pc36img/PC36IMG-ENG.zip /sdcard/PC36IMG.zip
adb push pc36img/PC36IMG-MR.zip /sdcard/PC36IMG-MR.zip
adb push root/flash_image /data/local/
adb -d install -r root/z4root.apk
Seventh, go to your phone and launch Z4Root app. Then select temp root and wait until its done.
Eighth,go back to command prompt and type:
adb shell
If you get a pound(#) sign, that means you have temp root, which just gives you temporary root so we can now install permanent root.
Ninth, lets backup our WiMax 4G RSA just in case we lose it during installation of new ROMs.
Mkdir /sdcard/nandroid/RSA-PR-BACKUP
Cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/nandroid/RSA-PR-BACKUP/wimax.img
busybox sed -n /BEGIN CERTIFICATE/,$p /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/rsa_OEM.key
Tenth, go back to command prompt and type the following:
chmod 0755 /data/local/flash_image
./data/local/flash_image misc /sdcard/mtd-eng.img
And reboot to bootloader mode by typing:
reboot bootloader
When bootloader mode starts up, it will look for PC36IMG.zip and after about 3 minutes ask you if you want to install PC36IMG.zip.
Say Yes by hitting the volume up button, it should now install the new zip file, should take about 10 minutes. Go grabs some coffee and come back.
Eleventh, reboot when its done by hitting the volume up button.
It will reboot into the OS and we dont want that so takes the battery out and puts it back in it. Then go back to the bootloader by hitting the power button while holding down the volume down button.
Choose Bootloader and wait until you get the triangle sign and type:
adb push recovery /
adb shell busybox Cinstall /sbin
adb shell nohup /sbin/recovery &
Go back to your Huawei U8230 and you should see green menus.
Choose install zip from sd card and choose unrevoked-forever.zip
After that installs, Choose MS-USB
Go to your computer and delete PC36IMG.zip, then rename PC36IMG-MR.zip to PC36IMG.zip.
Then power off your Huawei U8230, power back on by pressing Power Button while holding down the Volume Down button, this should get you back into bootloader mode.
Simply wait and when it asks to install the update, hit the Volume Up button.
then reboot your Huawei U8230, your device should now be rooted with Recovery menu then you can flash new ROMs for Huawei U8230.

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