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Please, help me to find programm to fix some bugs on my PC.

Nov. '08
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Mo., 17. November, 2008 um 3:33

Hi nto All
My problemm: my pc worked slowly, fast reeboot and some others.
Please, help me to fix it - I need some programm, that consist info, how can I do it.

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Mo., 17. November, 2008 um 3:33

Hi it. "Sicher" im Sinne von "definitiv"?

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Do., 27. November, 2008 um 14:15

Hello to All the Guests and Members,
It's very promising site.
PC Bug Doctor
PC Bug Doctor is software that will repair the hidden errors that are lurking on PC’s causing them to crash. The “FREE SCAN for ERRORS” makes this campaign high-converting, consistently!
Is Your Computer Getting Slower?
The Bug Doctor will fix hidden bugs and errors on your PC and restore lost performance and speed that is lost over time. 94% of PC's have corrupt and potentially dangerous files.
The process is easy!

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Sa., 06. Dezember, 2008 um 12:29

This programms will repair all my comp errors, or not?
Who used this programms?

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So., 14. Dezember, 2008 um 15:16

I used this programms and it helps me to fix most windows errors.
The process is easy!

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