Neues iPad, alte Kamera

19. März 2012, 15:37 |  1 Kommentar

Die verbaute Kamera im neuen iPad ist nicht neu.

Es ist die selbe 5 Megapixel-Kamera, wie sie auch im iPhone 4 verbaut wurde.

Apple meinte dazu:

That unit was the Omnivision OV5650. The OV5650 is the second generation back illumination (BI) technology from OmniVision. This 5 Mp camera features 1.75 µm pixels, and is designed to deliver DSC quality in a mobile phone application. The sensor supports HD (1080p) video at 60 fps. Apple specifications for the new iPad also tout the same specification. So the analysis we have just completedÂ… drum roll pleaseÂ… says that the 5 Mp back illuminated CMOS Image Sensor in the new iPad is the same, it is the Omnivision OV5650 (die mark OV290BF).

Die Front-Kamera des neuen iPad ist eine 0,3 Megapixel Omnivision OV297AA.

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