
Morgan Stanley: Schlankeres iPhone 5 mit Quad-Mode LTE-Chip?

17. Januar 2012, 18:32 |  0 Kommentare

Analystin Katy Huberty von Morgan Stanley versorgte am vergangenen Freitag ihre Investmentbank-Kunden mit den neuesten Gerüchten zur nächsten iPhone-Generation: Apple wird sich in den kommenden Monaten nicht nur in Sachen Tablet, durch das iPad 3, an der Spitze halten, sondern mit einem schlankeren iPhone 5 auch den Smartphone-Markt weiter regieren.

Huberty said it appears that the next-generation iPhone will incorporate Qualcomm’s quad-mode chip that would allow it to "run on all 3G and LTE network flavors,” but she said it was "too early to know for sure.” If Apple were to ink a deal with China Mobile, it would increase confidence that Apple would utilize the chip, she added.

"What is clear about iPhone 5 is that Apple and its supply chain are positively surprised by the demand for iPhone 4S, which increases confidence in strong sales for iPhone 5 later this year. Overall, the supply chain looks for stronger than market growth for both the iPhone (50%+ y/y vs. market 20-30%) and the iPad (20-40% growth, higher with a lower priced iPad 2),” she wrote.

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