
Motorola VS Apple – Motorola mit kampflosem Sieg vor Landgericht Mannheim

06. Nov. 2011, 13:34 |  3 Kommentare

Motorola hat in den Patentstreitigkeiten mit Apple vor dem Landgericht Mannheim einen Sieg errungen.

Nimmt man das Urteil genau, so darf Apple nun keine iPhones und iPad mehr in Deutschland anbieten:

As media and mobility continue to converge, Motorola Mobilityツ痴 patented technologies are increasingly important for innovation within the wireless and communications industries, for which Motorola Mobility has developed an industry leading intellectual property portfolio. We will continue to assert ourselves in the protection of these assets, while also ensuring that our technologies are widely available to end-users. We hope that we are able to resolve this matter, so we can focus on creating great innovations that benefit the industry.

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