SwiftKey-Bug legt persönliche Informationen offen
30. Juli 2016, 14:01 | 0 KommentareNutzern von SwiftKey wurden plötzlich Wortvorschläge gemacht, die aus den Daten fremder Anwender stammten. Darunter auch sensible Informationen wie E-Mail-Adressen.
Wie zahlreiche Nutzer auf Reddit berichteten, hat die App begonnen, seltsame Vorschläge zu machen. Darunter waren etwa auch fremde E-Mail-Adressen, oder Wörter in einer fremden Sprache.
SwiftKey reagierte und nahm die Server bzw. die Synchronisierungsfunktion offline. Außerdem wurde ein Statement zu dem Vorfall veröffentlicht:
This week, a few of our customers noticed unexpected predictions where unfamiliar terms, and in some rare cases emails, appeared when using their mobile phone. We are working quickly to resolve this inconvenience.
While this did not pose a security issue for our customers, we have turned off the cloud sync service and have updated our applications to remove email address predictions. During this time, it will not be possible to back up your SwiftKey language model.
The vast majority of SwiftKey users are not affected by this issue. If you have any reason to believe you are seeing unfamiliar predictions, please contact reviews@swiftkey.com.
We take usersÂ’ privacy and security very seriously and are committed to maintaining world-class standards for our community.
We will continue to post further updates on our blog.
The SwiftKey Team
While this did not pose a security issue for our customers, we have turned off the cloud sync service and have updated our applications to remove email address predictions. During this time, it will not be possible to back up your SwiftKey language model.
The vast majority of SwiftKey users are not affected by this issue. If you have any reason to believe you are seeing unfamiliar predictions, please contact reviews@swiftkey.com.
We take usersÂ’ privacy and security very seriously and are committed to maintaining world-class standards for our community.
We will continue to post further updates on our blog.
The SwiftKey Team
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